Quick Raid 0 and partitions question

7 Aug 2004
Hey all currently have 2x 74gb raptors which are running seperatly one with xp one with vista. I was thinking (YES i know reliability would be less !) if I hooked them up in raid 0 producing a 148gb harddisk, then basically partitioned that down the middle, again having 2x 74gb drives, but in raid.........this would work yes ? in theory ? what you guys think?

Only one more question, whats the problems I hear of installing vista on raided drives?
If you wish you can partition a Raid0 array any way at all since it is viewed by Windows as one drive so supposing you wanted 148 partitions of 1gb each that would be fine providing the partioning software supports that many. It depends on your uses whether you would see any measurable increase in speed from Raid0 though.

I'm not sure about the Raid drivers for Vista so someone else will have to answer that but I'd really not recommend going near Raid unless you are sure that the drivers are there. :)
themistry said:
Why do you want to RAID 0 2 drives only to partition them again?
For the same reasons you would partition a single drive:

  • To create a "safe" area for storing docs etc that isn't formatted during a re-install
  • To force certain files to be located in a faster area of the disk/array
  • To provide a logical separation of data
themistry said:
Why do you want to RAID 0 2 drives only to partition them again?

Wouldnt it better to just keep 2 distinct drives?


Cuz i want xp and vista installs, also iv noticed a little that disk accessing is taking longer than id like.....I used to have them in raid 0, but then didnt, as it made no difference, now i think it will, rare occasion when a setup like this would help, as opposed to just doing it for bragging rights
Not totally convinced personally but then it isn't me doing it. However I would say that if one drive goes belly up you have lost both OSes which has to be a pain. Additionally Raid0 is most effective with large contiguous files such as audio, graphics or video - I don't know if your uses fit into those categories but if not you will quite possibly see the difference in benchmarks only. :)
will def be faster

personally i reckon you should stick to one os for the time being (keep xp if there's a reason you're still using it)

i'm still on xp, until creative sort themselves out with proper xfi drivers, and i get a dx10 card
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