Quietest case fans

14 Jun 2005
Which is the quietest 120mm case fan,as the stock one in my Thermaltake Mambo is quite loud.
I've heard that the best one's (That actually state the correct specs on the product packaging and description) are Sharkoon Silent Eagles.
Nexus, Akasa Amber, Acoustifan dustproofs, sharkoon silent eagle 1000 and the Aerocool turbine 1000 are all excellent fans
You will need to change their speed though, either by fan controller or by modding the power cable. A 120mm fan, however quiet its supposed to be, runs even quieter this way :)
I have found the Aerocool to be pretty much inaudible at their stock speed (only 950rpm) although the Akasa Ambers do need to be lowered to 7v really.
The motor noise from Akasa Amber 120mm fans is too loud at 12v, they really need to be run below 10v to shine.
Yesterday I fitted a Sharkoon Silent Eagle 1000 in the side of my Coolermaster 830 Stacker. I bought it after the recent hot spell thinking that it would help cool my 7800 GT OC which hit 71c at one point. I have the Sharkoon blowing down directly on the the Gfx card. The fan is to all intents silent but it has made no difference whatsover to my temperatures. The reviews on the Silent Eagle 1000 are, to say the least, mixed. If I were you I wouldn't bother with this fan.
bugger...... ive just bought two !

Who the hell can you trust with reviews on the net these days - everyones taking payoffs from bosses all over the place!
Nexus are almost totally silent at 12v (I am sensitive to noise as my pc ususally runs 24/7 in my bedroom) but they dont push out much air. Probably the equivilent noise and CFM as an amber at 7v. I would reccomend ambers all the way unless you are building a low power HTPC and want a 120mm fan to circulate some air then the nexus comes into its own. :)

EDIT: Actually Deltas are renowned for their quietness. ;)
Amp34 said:
EDIT: Actually Deltas are renowned for their quietness. ;)

lol ;) Deltas are insane my mate has a 80mm one and thats stupidly loud and can move a house, I dread to think what the 120mm can do. :)

Ive just got 2 Zalman ZM-F3 fans and to me they are quite, mainly becasue if usually have music playing most of the time, but if you use them with the resistor wire you carnt here them at all, but they dont seem to move a lot of air either.

Akasa Ambers get my main vote quiter than the Zalmans with the resistor wire i think and they move a bit more air than the Zalmans with the resistor wire.
I use te Silent Eagles almost exclusivley on my black cases because they look great and perform well, if you say you installed it on your sidepanel and it made no difference in temps then you are doing something wrong, they are excellent fans for the money.
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