Quit smoking. Vape good or bad.

I treated myself to a proper smoke on New Year's Eve - no regrets, back on the vape since then though!

Moving from the last of the 18mg cartridges down to 12mg at the mo to see how I go, should be easier to give up the vape than it was stopping smoking rollups I think...

Heh, I had my first fag in 9 months on new year's eve, to see what it was like. It tasted vile and I binned it after about 4 drags.

I think I am now a non-smoker.

Vaping has worked out pretty well, so far.
Kids today will never know the simple pleasure of a 10 deck.

Those were the days!

I packed in the fags a few years ago, moved to vaping, with the occasional spell where I'd smoke tabs for a few weeks before going back to the vape.

Anyways I used to mix my own juice, but when the first lockdown hit and the post went to tosh, it took nearly three weeks for my nicotine and stuff to arrive, so I had the choice to either vape without any nicotine, or go and buy some cigs. I decided to try the vaping without nicotine, and I could tell it didn't have nicotine. I was fairly irritable, but as I was WFH full-time and I didn't have to be around people annoying me all day, I decided to stick it out.

A couple of weeks of that, and I ditched the vaping completely too. Been completely off it since about July.
i have stopped, i had digiflavour siren 2 tanks at the end at least 3 of them as my go to tanks and a geekvape ammit as well, stopped doing the sub ohming with my serpent minis on mvp'4s and aegis mini mods :)

i ended up stopping while struggling to eat any food or even breathe, heart failure is what i have, spent my last birthday in hospital, stopped gasping for ecigs before that though :)

i loved my ecigs and custom coils :(
Been vaping a few years now, took me about 6 months to make the jump properly, but now I can't stand the taste of a cig, it's horrid!

That being said, whilst much better health wise, it's still not as good as giving up properly. I'm on 6mg juice, this year, I really want to give it up entirely. Addiction to nicotine is a pain in the arse, fingers crossed I can drop the habbit this year.
Been vaping a few years now, took me about 6 months to make the jump properly, but now I can't stand the taste of a cig, it's horrid!

That being said, whilst much better health wise, it's still not as good as giving up properly. I'm on 6mg juice, this year, I really want to give it up entirely. Addiction to nicotine is a pain in the arse, fingers crossed I can drop the habbit this year.
Just try and wein yourself down in MG in Vaping, try some juice at 3mg and maybe have another at 0mg?
Tried, went back to 6mg, I just need to start reducing how much I vape. Make it an inconvenience to smoke.
Yea, true, is they physical routine of having soemthing to do with yoru hands etc I think as much as any addiction.
It's funny spotting this thread and realising how you don't really see people vaping much any more compared to say 3 years ago when it was really popular! Did everyone go back to smoking or just got fed up with vaping?
It's funny spotting this thread and realising how you don't really see people vaping much any more compared to say 3 years ago when it was really popular! Did everyone go back to smoking or just got fed up with vaping?

All the pubs that allowed vaping pre-covid have had to ban it. That saw a lot of people off, especially the ones who sit puffing away 24/7.

Also there used to be about 4 or 5 vape shops in my town at one point now there is only one. Obviously the demand wasn't there or died down.
It's funny spotting this thread and realising how you don't really see people vaping much any more compared to say 3 years ago when it was really popular! Did everyone go back to smoking or just got fed up with vaping?
As above, plus various stupid EU restrictions were adopted, that priced many smaller manufacturers and retailers out. Some Big Tobacco companies bought up some of teh larger manufacturers and either added their biological and technological distinctiveness to their own, or simply let it dwindle quietly away from the competition.
Some countries outright banned it.
Greatness lurks for all the total quitters:).
For the almost-there-peeps, addiction is if you awaken at night for a drag.
Otherwise, it's just a bad habit during the not-sleeping hours, a behavioural problem.
Hardest part for me was not quite knowing what to do when it was time for a smoke-break!!
Yea, true, is they physical routine of having soemthing to do with yoru hands etc I think as much as any addiction.

Exactly, I don't suffer from nicotine addiction anywhere near as much as the actual practice of smoking it's self. A friend told me she managed to ween her self off by just going outside each time she wanted to smoke. May try the same. Literally just go outside, stand in a spot, sit on the phone, walk back in.
Exactly, I don't suffer from nicotine addiction anywhere near as much as the actual practice of smoking it's self. A friend told me she managed to ween her self off by just going outside each time she wanted to smoke. May try the same. Literally just go outside, stand in a spot, sit on the phone, walk back in.
Take soemthing with you more like a smoky thing, perhaps suck on teh vape but dont "burn it", or a pen etc like that. SOemthiing that offers the same muscle memory routine?
I have seen my colleagues who don't even smoke, vape because they think it looks cool :rolleyes: There have been mix messages over the years about vape. However, I don't vape but one thing I noticed, they do have a pleasant smell.
I have seen my colleagues who don't even smoke, vape because they think it looks cool :rolleyes: There have been mix messages over the years about vape. However, I don't vape but one thing I noticed, they do have a pleasant smell.

As someone who used vaping to quit because of the smell, bad breath, yellow teeth, lack of flavour when eating, skin tone etc etc all being degraded due to normal cigarettes, this annoys me.

Also, since vaping, all of the above are not issues, I just look like an ass puffing out large clouds when I want a smoke. Small price to pay though. The first thing people noticed was my skin, not spots or anything. Just looking healthier.

If it wasn't for vaping, I'd still be a walking ashtray, BUT, vaping shouldn't be used as a 'cool' factor and it's sad when I see that. Addiction is no joke!

And lastly, vaping is NOT good for you, as someone who was a long time smoker, I'd say it's better in all ways, but I still don't have the lung capacity or quality I'd expect after not smoking cigs for 5 years, only vapes. The temptation to smoke indoors can be very tempting due to no lingering smell, however the juice actually leaves a 'film' on everything that's a pain to clean (learnt that after smoking indoors for the first year or so). I'd not say smoking a vape is perfectly healthy, but between this and cigs, it's hand down better for you.
And lastly, vaping is NOT good for you, as someone who was a long time smoker, I'd say it's better in all ways, but I still don't have the lung capacity or quality I'd expect after not smoking cigs for 5 years, only vapes. The temptation to smoke indoors can be very tempting due to no lingering smell, however the juice actually leaves a 'film' on everything that's a pain to clean (learnt that after smoking indoors for the first year or so).
Yeah the film thing is kind of concerning... After a few months it'll cost the inside of your car windows. Think how your insides must be!
It was stuff like that that made me quit vaping after 5 years or so... 12 months later I can happily report lung capacity does improve! Just takes time.
Your lungs clean themselves, car windows don't. It's glycerine, pretty easy for the body to deal with.
It doesn't build up in the body.

But yes, it can leave a bit of residue on stuff, that's for sure...
I've been smoking for around 11 years (B&H,No.1 etc, around 25 a day) before i made the switch to vaping. Started on 24mg, then every 6 months or so reduced to 0mg. Have been vaping for just over 5 years and while i could've quit fully a year or 2 ago, i enjoy the taste of the flavours i buy. I just use the excuse of cheaper than going to a shisha bar.

Looking back, no regrets obviously, and while my dad smokes (Marlboro Reds), can't stand being anywhere near him as the smell is awful, let alone take a drag of a cigarette.
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