Quitting smoking tonight

25 Jun 2009
I'm sure nobody cares and I feel like this is quite a self centered thread to post...

My tobacco is going to run out tonight and I have decided not to purchase anymore.

I've "quit" a few times in the past for periods of 6 - 24 months, and have always been up for it, but this time I'm incredibly anxious...

I've been wanting to stop again for about a couple of years, but for some reason, I just haven't felt the motivation to actually do it like I have done previously. Right now is objectively a good time to do so, so I'm drawing a line in the sand and going with tonight.

I'm going cold turkey, the "hard bit" has historically not been the part I have failed at, so not going to bother with anything that drags that bit out.

Wish me luck!
Good luck I 'quit' a few years ago now, I still smoke when I'm very drunk, but I don't miss it at all now and it's like I'm a non smoker now. It took me a few attempts, but the last attempt was actually fairly easy.
You should give yourself every chance to give up and make sure you have some sort of support system, such as gum or patches. For me, a smoker of 30 years, I gave using the patches and have not gone back since, nearly 8 years ago now. They just removed the physical cravings which made it so much easier.
Good luck I 'quit' a few years ago now, I still smoke when I'm very drunk, but I don't miss it at all now and it's like I'm a non smoker now. It took me a few attempts, but the last attempt was actually fairly easy.

Ooof, doesn't it wipe you out when you've been off it? I caved a little when I'd been off it for about two months. I was at the pub and someone offered me one - I was wobbling about all over the place by about 3/4 in. Had to put my head on the table for a bit until the spinning stopped. :D
The amount of people I've heard say 'I'm quitting smoking' and they never come close is far too high. Seems alien to me to be so addicted to a substance that you don't really even want to be having. So good luck, as it'll likely be hard quit and stick to it.
The amount of people I've heard say 'I'm quitting smoking' and they never come close is far too high. Seems alien to me to be so addicted to a substance that you don't really even want to be having. So good luck, as it'll likely be hard quit and stick to it.

But that is the very definition of addiction. To continue to do something even though you know it's doing you harm and being unable to stop.
I'm sure nobody cares and I feel like this is quite a self centered thread to post...

My tobacco is going to run out tonight and I have decided not to purchase anymore.

I've "quit" a few times in the past for periods of 6 - 24 months, and have always been up for it, but this time I'm incredibly anxious...

I've been wanting to stop again for about a couple of years, but for some reason, I just haven't felt the motivation to actually do it like I have done previously. Right now is objectively a good time to do so, so I'm drawing a line in the sand and going with tonight.

I'm going cold turkey, the "hard bit" has historically not been the part I have failed at, so not going to bother with anything that drags that bit out.

Wish me luck!

why don't you stop now, instead of tonight ?
It's a great decision and I really hope you can kick it for good. It's a terrible habit to have and extremely damaging to your health. Say to yourself you will never allow yourself to touch any cigarette again and avoid them at all costs. Try and think of something non-harmful that you can use to distract yourself from wanting one if necessary. Good luck and stay strong, you can do it!
why don't you stop now, instead of tonight ?

That would be best as I currently feel like I'm sat in the waiting room for the dentist or something lol. Honestly I've got it in my head that this is the plan and my brain isn't happy with the suggestion of not "enjoying" the last of it even though I 100% agree it's the better plan.
Good luck!

I quit 12 months ago now and honestly, you'll feel so good about it.

You start to look at other smokers with pity rather than envy lol.
But that is the very definition of addiction. To continue to do something even though you know it's doing you harm and being unable to stop.

I know what an addiction is, it's just that I find it hard to comprehend how the human mind can be so mentally weak when it comes to self control, particularly in the case of smoking whereby there are soooo many negatives with smoking and very few positives.
I know what an addiction is, it's just that I find it hard to comprehend how the human mind can be so mentally weak when it comes to self control, particularly in the case of smoking whereby there are soooo many negatives with smoking and very few positives.

It becomes a part of your life. Its scary to think that those 5 minute moments that are chemically burnt into your brain as being enjoyable are going to go away forever.
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