R6 or R1

Bikes should make you feel alive when riding! Shortly before you might die... lol...

amen to that! I do not go out on the bike to get from A to B.. I go out on the bike to feel alive and have fun.. and if that means i nearly die a few times then so be it lol.

If your number's up... your number's up!

...but yes, I do try and NOT kill myself! :D
Why out of interest?

I do often feel that i'm going to either die or go to jail for a long time on the 10R :D

because compared to the zx6 the zx10 just drinks petrol and isnt much faster imo,just over rated,im talkin bout the zx6 g1 model compared to the zx10 04 model,i just like my old zx6 more nothin scary about any bike its all down to your right wrist

as for tax im sure its cheaper for a 600 (599cc) i paid £46 i think for 6 months on zx10
Also, I could just as easily kill myself on a 600.

In fact, I could just as easily kill myself on my FZR.

You've already made your mind up then.... you talked yourself into buying the R1.... :D

Kill yourself in style! :D

(DON'T intentionally kill yourself.... but have fun as we only get to live once)

Don't regret what you have done - regret what you haven't! :)
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