Race report: 'UK not deliberately rigged against ethnic minorities'

Sticking St George's flag in your window for the Euros/World Cup, I put a St Georges flag up in the window for Euro 96. What I'm talking about is people with the Union Flag on a flag pole in their front garden. There is a guy a 1/4 of a mile away from me with a Union Flag on a flag pole. I was in my local garage almost opposite his house getting an MOT when he came in, he knew the garage owner and was chatting away and I couldn't help but overhear the conversation. This was back in 2016 before the Brexit vote. Brexit came up and he went on a joyful xenophobic rant about how we are going to kick out all the immigrants and get Britain back to a country for British people. The racist undertones were obvious and he didn't give a damn who heard him. I've got zero time for such knuckle draggers.
What do you think of the thousands of Americans who fly the US flag on their property?
Maybe if right wing extremist groups like the BNP, EDL, Britain First etc and the National Front before them hadn't wrapped themselves in the Union flag it might not have such a bad vibe outside of sport. It's still associated with those groups and right wing extremism.
It doesn't, and it isn't.

Only the likes of you think the Union flag has an implicit association with the BNP, etc.

People who aren't buried alive under their white (British) guilt, just see the flag of this country.

Must suck to be so brainwashed that you see right-wing bogeyman everywhere you look.
What do you think of the thousands of Americans who fly the US flag on their property?

I don't like the OTT patriotism in the US. I don't like that they make children swear an oath to a flag every morning. The Stars and Stripes doesn't have the connection with far right/nationalist extremists though. The Confederate flag is more that flag in the US. And no I'm not comparing the Union Flag with the Confederate flag.
It doesn't, and it isn't.

Only the likes of you think the Union flag has an implicit association with the BNP, etc.

People who aren't buried alive under their white (British) guilt, just see the flag of this country.

Must suck to be so brainwashed that you see right-wing bogeyman everywhere you look.

You do love to throw the insult around. The BNP, Britain First and the other extremist groups made sure they covered themselves in the Union Flag, it was a major part of their identity. I clearly remember from my childhood the chant "there ain't no black in the Union Jack". Don't try and pretend it didn't/doesn't exist. I'm not "buried alive under my white (British) guilt", I have nothing to feel guilty about, why would I feel guilty for being white or British? I've always strived not to be a horrible racist **** and to actually speak up when I see people being that. That really is a ridiculous insult to throw around, its like calling someone a snow flake and expecting them to feel insulted.

I don't see bogeymen everywhere but I don't see the Union Flag everywhere either because we aren't a country that feels the need to fly it everywhere. What I mean by that is people don't fly it from their houses. It is on government buildings and other various buildings but not on people's homes. It seems some of you want to push for people to have the flag flying from their homes? Why exactly do you think people should do that? What purpose does it serve? Does it make them more British, better citizens? Its such a superficial act, it means nothing. Anyone can do it, the fact knuckle draggers wrap themselves in it when they are horrible scum bags who do nothing for society as a whole, who in fact are a stain on society does nothing to make me want to join them in adoration of as piece of patterned material. If you want to put a flag pole up and fly the Union Flag go for it. Its a free country. It doesn't mean you love this country any more that someone who doesn't though. Britain or what I think makes Britain great isn't a piece of cloth or what you might think that piece of cloth stands for. I see the Union Flag and think meh.

While we're on the Union Flag, our national anthem is terrible! So boring. The Italian, French and even the Spanish anthems have some pomp, the Welsh is one is amazing when sung by a large crowd. Ours is enough to put you to sleep. Maybe when we ditch the monarchy we can update it so make it enjoyable to sing and get the crowd going.
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Other than people occasionally saying a backhanded comment or copying racist jokes from family guy or such, there isn't so much 'denial of service' or any such mass systemic mistreatment of people in general in the UK.

What we do however still have is rampant name discrimination, which has been proven time and time again by people with non western names suddenly being offered up to 3x as many interviews just by changing their first name to something like John or Allan on their job applications (something which I myself am going to have to do as well as making up 2 years worth of I.T experience because no employer thinks using a PC at home daily and building them myself etc counts as sufficient I.T experience to type data into a computer).

There are talks within the rumour mill of making it as such that job applications should be made anonymous by law, but this still seems far from ever being implemented.
Some times when I read this thread or the forum in general I wonder how many people here are actually annoyed that the report said it wasnt deliberatly rigged against ethinic minorites, because they actually want it to be a government policy to be deliberatly rigged against minorities because they are such racist *******.

The report was found NOT to have any negative effect towards minority backgrounds. Why are you so angry?.
Other than people occasionally saying a backhanded comment or copying racist jokes from family guy or such, there isn't so much 'denial of service' or any such mass systemic mistreatment of people in general in the UK.

What we do however still have is rampant name discrimination, which has been proven time and time again by people with non western names suddenly being offered up to 3x as many interviews just by changing their first name to something like John or Allan on their job applications (something which I myself am going to have to do as well as making up 2 years worth of I.T experience because no employer thinks using a PC at home daily and building them myself etc counts as sufficient I.T experience to type data into a computer).

There are talks within the rumour mill of making it as such that job applications should be made anonymous by law, but this still seems far from ever being implemented.

This is disturbing. Blurred lines society here we go.
Out of interest, what would be your issue with that? Where I work (NHS England), our recruitment system hides the names of applicants until we've selected which ones we'd like to interview based on their application/CV and it works fine.

Its just an ideological way of thinking. Which a majority of the UK do not relate too.
Out of interest, what would be your issue with that? Where I work (NHS England), our recruitment system hides the names of applicants until we've selected which ones we'd like to interview based on their application/CV and it works fine.

Because honestly, how is that supposed to root out racist employers? They'd just be turned off as soon as the applicant turns up on the door step? So in the end they'll be no difference
Because honestly, how is that supposed to root out racist employers? They'd just be turned off as soon as the applicant turns up on the door step? So in the end they'll be no difference

Reviewing CV's is one task where humans are likely to discard applicants for the most trivial of reasons.

Such reasons may include forms of in group biases (with names being an proxy for certain group membership).

By the interview stage potential recruiters are more likely to consider the individual merits of the interviewees rather than simply be looking for any reason to 'thin out the pack' as interviewing itself is a quite time consuming exercise.

On a practical basis smaller companies could not be expected to anonymise applicants unless there was some mandated portal that did it automatically (and hence would likely to be unsuitable for unsolicited applications to companies).
Because honestly, how is that supposed to root out racist employers? They'd just be turned off as soon as the applicant turns up on the door step? So in the end they'll be no difference

Because in most of these cases the discrimination is not based on a persons appearance or skin colour, merely 'How on erf do ya pranaunce dat nayme???'* and then the C.V goes straight in the bin. As soon as the person is able to get into an interview, they at least have a better chance of getting a job.

*Said about my name in numerous interview and general social instances.
Because honestly, how is that supposed to root out racist employers? They'd just be turned off as soon as the applicant turns up on the door step? So in the end they'll be no difference

We sift applications individually, but decide on interview outcomes as a panel. It's much more difficult for one racist panel member to affect the process once you reach interviews. We also don't get to know people's gender or age until the interview stage (although you can often work out the age, usually from their education/previous experience).
We sift applications individually, but decide on interview outcomes as a panel. It's much more difficult for one racist panel member to affect the process once you reach interviews. We also don't get to know people's gender or age until the interview stage (although you can often work out the age, usually from their education/previous experience).

Do you know how rare that is? In 25 years in the IT industry, having interviewed at dozens of places from large multinational organizations to dinky indie creative studios, I can only count twice where I was interviewed by more than one person at the same time.
Out of interest, what would be your issue with that? Where I work (NHS England), our recruitment system hides the names of applicants until we've selected which ones we'd like to interview based on their application/CV and it works fine.

The big issue is that it removes reputation (good and bad) from the process, and that can frequently be counter productive when you get into more specialised areas.

Personal brand is valuable, and is largely driven by name.
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