I think the report has a better suggestion than many in dropping focus on promoting minorities and addressing the more general issues which affect the poorest end of society.
After all, isn't the membership of far right islam hating groups (with side hobbies which revolve around dislike of foreigners) dominated by young white men with poor backgrounds, bad education and a huge reliance on social benefits who feel disenfranchised and second class citizens as they see minorities getting special treatment over them.
Yes, but honestly you're so detached from the groups of people you're speaking about that you have no clue. I'm from a white working class area, I used to work in a local pub, the reality is just far different from what you understand. You do realise groups like the BNP were speaking about the Asian rape gangs in Rotherham before the main stream media and Police arrested all those people? You do realise they were being called racist and spat on while they were calling out that groups of Asian men pick up girls and rape them? I know this because one of their meetings was held at the pub I worked at (this will have been in 2008 or 2009) and I was working the shift that night. So, are they racist? Yep. Do they have genuine concerns? Also yes. By the way, most of the men from these groups have jobs and aren't reliant on benefits, but yes the schools they went to were poor, their parents weren't the best, probably because their parents were brought up by men suffering from PTSD from WW2, men who worked 12 hours literally "down the pit". So maybe consider some of these factors before you **** on groups of people because you're quick enough to point out the pains of the past minorities are suffering from.