Race report: 'UK not deliberately rigged against ethnic minorities'

Cool. The same solicitors who advised you should have a free house because your toilet isn't painted and couldn't advise you about the autism testing guidelines?
Dear Lord - if I was that frustrated and bloody-minded, I'd have just stumped up for a second opinion/private consultation by now.
Imagine still not being capable of asking someone 'How do I pronounce your name?' in 2021.

I have a very difficult surname to pronounce, but even then i understand some people might feel uncomfortable asking because they don't want to come across as ignorant or stupid, especially in this day and age. So i help them and spell it out with the NATO alphabet if it's the first time i call them over the phone or i see they don't pronounce it right. It's not their fault they haven't had exposure to odd names sometimes and I don't be a dick with a stick up my arse about it. If they continue to do so afterwards then that's a different story
Cool. The same solicitors who advised you should have a free house because your toilet isn't painted and couldn't advise you about the autism testing guidelines?

Its actually quite legit. I was taking one medication for over a year that a specialist banned me from taking following an ECG. Then 2 years later another specialist refused to prescribe me one that had no effect on the heart and offered one that was worse than the first.

The one I had asked for (Buproprion) was on the NICE guidelines specifically for patients that cannot tolerate others on the list / the others haven't worked. Add to that not being given any kind of therapy for over a decade plus all my referrals to ASD services being rejected despite having some basic mental health diagnostics which are now diagnosed as treatment resistant, and continuously asking for further / more specialized help with no reason or reply from any all NHS customer service or complaints teams. (They said I was treatment resistant and unhelpable without offering anything other than 6 different Seratonin meds while constantly refusing Buproprion / Therapy / ASD referrals, which many patients in the same situation as me have already gotten).

All of this has been going on for around 12 years in total now. Mental health decline leading from such neglect from not being helped can win up to £600+K, plus the medication stuff, and possibly extra because I pretty much cant work anymore for both physical and mental health reasons.

I was also told by my last physiotherapist I needed more specialized physical therapy, and she referred me to some NHS gym thats just £3 a week. That was also refused despite 1 rheumatologist and 2 physios already having diagnosed the same thing and reporting ongoing physical decline that can only be helped with exercise. This might also be possible to claim for permanent damage and significant worsening since that refusal in all of my joints except for one hip.

Any time I tell any G.P or the specialists I had seen before that I struggle with social communication and other such symptoms, they always say 'You're talking to me fine right now and / or have a degree' and therefore refuse to help.

All of this is valid medical neglect, and I have all the evidences I need to prove it all.

Already wasted time going through things like the CCG, Health Watch, all my local trust's customer services and complaints teams, and currently waiting for NHS resolutions to finish investigating.

'Get a new GP / Chase it up blah blah blah' Done all that at least 20 times by now.
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You sound like a right barrel of laughs!

The fact your bosses told a colleague "That's what he's like" says it all. They probably try to stay out your way and if they do talk to you are just trying to be polite.

There comes a point where you have to ask "Am I the problem?"
You sound like a right barrel of laughs!

The fact your bosses told a colleague "That's what he's like" says it all. They probably try to stay out your way and if they do talk to you are just trying to be polite.

There comes a point where you have to ask "Am I the problem?"

I did already say that and NHS said no.

I've literally seen countless colleagues in places that I've worked that neither smile or talk to anyone, simply turn up, get their work done, go home with zero interaction.

This is pretty much normal, a lot of people don't go to work to deal with colleagues that never shut up.
Back on topic.

Question: do you feel society is more cohesive or less cohesive than 20 years ago?

I would firmly say the latter, but I would wouldn't I #checkyourprivilege.
Most people will naturally self-segregate, we see it all the time. But then some ideologue will come along and spend millions forcing them together, and millions more dealing with the issues of forcing them together.

I don’t think ‘Multiculturalism’ was the plan. It’s just a name they gave to mass immigration + non-integration. Now we have a whole host of ‘communities’ jostling for power and resources. Victimhood being the main vector for minorities. A reputation for extreme violence is also beneficial.

A diversity advocate called Robert Putnam wanted to prove once and for all that diversity was a benefit. His finding showed the opposite, so he kept the results to himself for several years.

Everything about human evolution is working against a multi-racial society, and we see that played-out daily. A mistake the wokies make is taking individual interactions and scaling it up to groups. But groups interact very differently to individuals.
This thread's meant to wind-up the libs, not give them free therapy!
And yet as usual all it really did was show the arrogance of the usual suspects.
Everything about human evolution is working against a multi-racial society, and we see that played-out daily. A mistake the wokies make is taking individual interactions and scaling it up to groups. But groups interact very differently to individuals.
What the "left" spent 4 years doing online, now it's the "rights" turn to do the same exact thing, much like two rival football team supporters? and round and round it goes and nothing ever gets fixed.

Does Tony not realise the other side of it where they are seen as the usual suspects as well?
You have nothing but emotional outbursts.
Your whole post above mine was just an emotional outburst by you.

Fancy saying and thinking this is correct for a normal well adjusted person to think.
Everything about human evolution is working against a multi-racial society
I hope those that are not white in this thread take it in and see where you really fit in for people like this.
and you won't change yours so round and round we go and nothing changes or gets any better.
As I posted the other night about both sides of grand parents coming over from Donegal in their 20's, the four of them hadn't spent much time in school past the age of 12 and came looking for a better life, they started with the potato picking and sleeping in garden sheds till they could afford a mouse and rat infested single end (not joking ) the fold out couch was infested with mice (My mum telling me about her growing up )
Then after a while the Irish got in to labouring jobs building things and digging roads. and building most of Glasgow, I remember my dad boasting one day walk past Cathkin Park telling me he had built those stairs.

So yes I can sympathise with eastern Europeans coming here and trying to make a life for themselves. Being brought up in Govanhill and it was never perfect but it was clean barring one street where all the Indian meat shops dumped the smelly waste on the kerb to attract all the flies but we didn't know any better we were all poor and just getting on with it.
but as Govanhill stands today it is absolutely filth and smash and broken everywhere you go, groups of people just hanging around every corner even during the day time (remember when you were young and going to the shop and seeing a group of youths in track suits standing there well.. )
What are they all supposed to do though? they have no skills for well paying jobs and not many people want to hire them if they can't speak English...it's a shame but at the same time it's not fair for the people who have lived there their whole lives and to watch it all change and rot.
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I hope those that are not white in this thread take it in and see where you really fit in for people like this.
I wouldn't say multi-racial is doomed, but multi-cultural certain is unless those cultures share the same core values.

I think it's fairly obvious that you can't smash an ultra-conservative religious culture with a liberal, secular culture. Interestingly, when the prevailing culture is the ultra-conservative religious one, they don't even try. It's only the West that tries to fit two clashing cultures together.
and you won't change yours so round and round we go and nothing changes or gets any better.
You are right I wont change my mind that people of different colours and/or culture can live together and we will not have to go for self segregation.

You must be reading a different post to me if you think that post was not skirting the edges of racist thinking.
there is being racist then there is talking about race and how they have different ways of living I would say?

re my post..The Polish seem to have done ok for themselves over here mind you, well most of the Polish women i'm friends with being cleaners though... I suppose it's in the name? :P
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You are right I wont change my mind that people of different ... culture can live together and we will not have to go for self segregation.
I think the evidence is clear that not all cultures can live together.

Specifically thinking of the places where in recent years they've burned down churches and persecuted, nay all but eliminated, alternative faith groups.

Clearly those people don't want to live in a multi-faith, multi-cultural community.

If you import such people and such views into the UK/EU, why do you think they'll gel? As I said, you need to share core values. If you don't, you and your culture will clash, not gel. And we certainly see some evidence of this in the UK.

It's fine to be "a progressive" or "an optimist" or whatever, but you have to use your eyes and see what is actually happening, not what you dream will happen.
I'm sure there is some eastern forum out there where they are having the same talk but with roles reversed?

You'll find on here the people that cry racist the loudest live in well off areas and have no real life experience of living in it all.. I suspect.
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