Cool. The same solicitors who advised you should have a free house because your toilet isn't painted and couldn't advise you about the autism testing guidelines?
Its actually quite legit. I was taking one medication for over a year that a specialist banned me from taking following an ECG. Then 2 years later another specialist refused to prescribe me one that had no effect on the heart and offered one that was worse than the first.
The one I had asked for (Buproprion) was on the NICE guidelines specifically for patients that cannot tolerate others on the list / the others haven't worked. Add to that not being given any kind of therapy for over a decade plus all my referrals to ASD services being rejected despite having some basic mental health diagnostics which are now diagnosed as treatment resistant, and continuously asking for further / more specialized help with no reason or reply from any all NHS customer service or complaints teams. (They said I was treatment resistant and unhelpable without offering anything other than 6 different Seratonin meds while constantly refusing Buproprion / Therapy / ASD referrals, which many patients in the same situation as me have already gotten).
All of this has been going on for around 12 years in total now. Mental health decline leading from such neglect from not being helped can win up to £600+K, plus the medication stuff, and possibly extra because I pretty much cant work anymore for both physical and mental health reasons.
I was also told by my last physiotherapist I needed more specialized physical therapy, and she referred me to some NHS gym thats just £3 a week. That was also refused despite 1 rheumatologist and 2 physios already having diagnosed the same thing and reporting ongoing physical decline that can only be helped with exercise. This might also be possible to claim for permanent damage and significant worsening since that refusal in all of my joints except for one hip.
Any time I tell any G.P or the specialists I had seen before that I struggle with social communication and other such symptoms, they always say 'You're talking to me fine right now and / or have a degree' and therefore refuse to help.
All of this is valid medical neglect, and I have all the evidences I need to prove it all.
Already wasted time going through things like the CCG, Health Watch, all my local trust's customer services and complaints teams, and currently waiting for NHS resolutions to finish investigating.
'Get a new GP / Chase it up blah blah blah' Done all that at least 20 times by now.