TBH that is exactly what AMD need right now as stock a card hitting those 1.5GHz scores at the right price point would completely take the wind out of nVidia's 1000 series sales.
I think what might be happening here is AMD have a reputation for running hot and using massive amounts of power, true and deserved or not the reaction might be to launch very capable tho not mega fast underclocked reference cards at 100 Watts, and cheap <£200.
Much like the Fury-Nano.
That way they have an answer to that accusation while at the same time AIB's can beef up the power and ram the clocks up.
AIB cards will probably use considerably more power and require their coolers to keep them 80c or less but will be much higher clocked and much faster for up to a third more money. <£300
Be that as it may i think its a good strategy.