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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

Your smart enough to know its a flawed argument yet you keep repeating it, seemingly in the hope that if you say it enough times it will somehow stick.

Yup your right, it is a flawed argument, but are you really willing to say that it is not possible to find benchmarks to prove pretty much any thing you want to, if you look hard enough. ;)

For gods sake, come on new GPU's hurry up and get here, we really need something new to argue over. :D
Yet you can't find any review as extensive as TPU and with the latest drivers.
So you keep falling back on TPU but with old drivers, in one case a year old.

Your smart enough to know its a flawed argument yet you keep repeating it, seemingly in the hope that if you say it enough times it will somehow stick.
I do like how to you, the 1070 and 1080 are considered disappointing because you insisted on comparing them to an overclocked 980Ti. Which was fair enough if that was your honest perspective, even if many dont bother overclocking their cards much, if at all.

I just think it's a bit disingenuous that you now insist on making claims about how good the 390X is based on comparing to a stock 980Ti.

Not that the 390X isn't a great card or that your claims are completely invalid(though I think if you play anything other than just the latest games, the difference wont be as small on average), just that your standards of comparison seem to be a tad..........two-faced.
I do like how to you, the 1070 and 1080 are considered disappointing because you insisted on comparing them to an overclocked 980Ti. Which was fair enough if that was your honest perspective, even if many dont bother overclocking their cards much, if at all.

I just think it's a bit disingenuous that you now insist on making claims about how good the 390X is based on comparing to a stock 980Ti.

Not that the 390X isn't a great card or that your claims are completely invalid(though I think if you play anything other than just the latest games, the difference wont be as small on average), just that your standards of comparison seem to be a tad..........two-faced.

Yup your right, it is a flawed argument, but are you really willing to say that it is not possible to find benchmarks to prove pretty much any thing you want to, if you look hard enough. ;)

For gods sake, come on new GPU's hurry up and get here, we really need something new to argue over. :D

Ok :)

I do like how to you, the 1070 and 1080 are considered disappointing because you insisted on comparing them to an overclocked 980Ti. Which was fair enough if that was your honest perspective, even if many dont bother overclocking their cards much, if at all.

I just think it's a bit disingenuous that you now insist on making claims about how good the 390X is based on comparing to a stock 980Ti.

Not that the 390X isn't a great card or that your claims are completely invalid(though I think if you play anything other than just the latest games, the difference wont be as small on average), just that your standards of comparison seem to be a tad..........two-faced.

Not at all, i do agree overclocked vs overclocked the 980TI stretches its lead.
But even you would have to admit given where the 390X is and what it is its performance relative to the 980TI is impressive and growing closer. not long ago we were talking about how the same SKU was growing closer to the 780TI, its now blown that out of the water and gunning for its replacement, this GPU just keeps marching up and up and up. its heroic, one hasto respect it.

As for the 1070/80, i'm very seriously considering a 1070, if AMD don't deliver i will buy one and be happy doing so.

My worry is so far they do look disappointing for what and where they are when comparing overclocking and the 980TI, the 980TI is pretty good at that, the 1080 looks pretty bad at it so far.
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They will see "RX480 launched" and wonder why it isn't.

As of tomorrow assumedly nVidia will have 2 GPUs out - AMD is desperately in need of a win.

As for the 1070/80, i'm very seriously considering a 1070, if AMD don't deliver i will buy one and be happy doing so.

My worry is so far they do look disappointing for what and where they are when comparing overclocking and the 980TI, the 980TI is pretty good at that, the 1080 looks pretty bad at it so far.

1070 is really a mid-range card and 1080 an upper mid-range card - hence the performance compared to the previous generation high end - I'll likely be buying an OC model 1070 if the price isn't too close to the 1080s as a stop gap until proper high end cards on Pascal.
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I'll likely be buying an OC model 1070 if the price isn't too close to the 1080s as a stop gap until proper high end cards on Pascal.

This is what I will likely do, unless in the time between me ordering a card and there actually one being available (which will probably be ages), AMD release some more info and mention a $300 1070 rival.
Not at all, i do agree overclocked vs overclocked the 980TI stretches its lead.
By a pretty big amount, though. That's kind of my point. Or rather, was *your* point before, that you just decided to completely ignore when making this comparison here. Yet when people brought this up when you were making your 1080 comparisons, you insisted that it should be compared to an OC'd 980Ti, not a stock one. Because a 980Ti is so easily OC'd and blah blah blah.

But even you would have to admit given where the 390X is and what it is its performance relative to the 980TI is impressive and growing closer. not long ago we were talking about how the same SKU was growing closer to the 780TI, its now blown that out of the water and gunning for its replacement, this GPU just keeps marching up and up and up. its heroic, one hasto respect it.
Impressive in some ways, yea.

I just said the 390X was a great card. But it wasn't nearly as good before. The fact that it's taken so long for its full potential to be unlocked is both a good and a bad thing depending on what kind of user you are and when you bought the card. We're about to get a card that is much cheaper that will potentially outperform it within the next month.

And like I said, the 390X stacks up best when comparing with the latest AAA games. Everything else? It's not *quite* as spectacular, though still good.

As for the 1070/80, i'm very seriously considering a 1070, if AMD don't deliver i will buy one and be happy doing so.
By how you talk, you seem really confident AMD will deliver, though.

My worry is so far they do look disappointing for what and where they are when comparing overclocking and the 980TI, the 980TI is pretty good at that, the 1080 looks pretty bad at it so far.
Your 'worry' seems like concern trolling at its best, though. You've already declared them disappointing. And you seem highly positive that AMD are going to deliver something better.

Not that I completely disagree, either. I think it just depends on where you're looking at it from. Perspective is a funny thing. Which is why I found it a bit 'funny' how you chose to see the 390X vs 980Ti comparison completely differently than you chose to see the 1080 vs 980Ti comparison.
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i expected better from you Bru.

I'm kinda disappointed in myself as well, I have gone against my promise to myself, not to get into silly little forum arguments. maybe I should just not reply to anything, when I in having a really bad day. :o
All i'm looking for is a card that is significantly faster than my 970, by significantly i mean 20-25%% minimum overclocked vs overclocked. it would have to cost the same or less than my 970 did at that.

Must be 6 or 8GB.

Whoever delivers that for the lowest amount gets my money.

I will admit i would like that to be AMD simply because i also want an adaptive sync screen and i can get more of that for my money with Free-Sync.

But if AMD cannot meet my expectations i will buy Nvidia, again.
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Anyone noticed in the news section OC have price dropped the 380/390 cards?

I had a quick look and the 380/380X are only dropped by a few percent, and the 390/390X cards are dropped by around 15%.

It isn't enough for me to choose one of these cards over the unknown 480 though. Although if the 480 comes in higher than most people are thinking it will then I may wish I'd bought a discounted 380.
They dropped the price of the 970 a little too as a month ago they would be 250+ now some are about 230 ish or somit i think now. Probably dropping a lot of cards prices down at a very slow pace as to now let on how things will be when the rx 480 comes out i think.
Anyone noticed in the news section OC have price dropped the 380/390 cards?

I had a quick look and the 380/380X are only dropped by a few percent, and the 390/390X cards are dropped by around 15%.

It isn't enough for me to choose one of these cards over the unknown 480 though. Although if the 480 comes in higher than most people are thinking it will then I may wish I'd bought a discounted 380.

I think they are just clearing AMD stock. If you look at the fury and 390 range, the stock levels are almost gone for the entire range.

Says a lot about what's to come IMO :D
Surprised that stock would clear though with fairly small discounts. It would have to be a pretty hefty discount for me to waive the upcoming performance jump. If a 390X was £150 instead of £300 that would do it, but £300 down from £350 isn't anywhere near enough? The news item says more stock coming but doesn't specify what.
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Anyone noticed in the news section OC have price dropped the 380/390 cards?

I had a quick look and the 380/380X are only dropped by a few percent, and the 390/390X cards are dropped by around 15%.

It isn't enough for me to choose one of these cards over the unknown 480 though. Although if the 480 comes in higher than most people are thinking it will then I may wish I'd bought a discounted 380.

The 390's are still £230 and up, the 480 @ $200 will come in at just under £200 (£180 to £190) and likely to be faster, how much faster is open to extensive debate.

I would wait.
AMD may show there hand with some nice crossfire leaked benchmarks


Surprised that stock would clear though with fairly small discounts. It would have to be a pretty hefty discount for me to waive the upcoming performance jump. If a 390X was £150 instead of £300 that would do it, but £300 down from £350 isn't anywhere near enough? The news item says more stock coming but doesn't specify what.
It works on enough people, though. Dont go assuming that every consumer is super informed/rational. People see, "Oh hey, this is cheaper now, great deal!". And of course some people just need a GPU now. I've got a PS4, but boy would I struggle to deal with a month without having a dedicated GPU in my PC! lol

It's also caution on the retailers part and trying to maximize their returns. They probably end up taking losses on heavily discounted cards, but the alternative is to get nothing from them at all if they wait too long to sell them. And of course they wont always be 100% sure what new cards will debut at, so until those turn up on the store with availability, they dont cut prices of old cards too much in fear of overreacting.
Yes, investor-bias is definitely warming to the bones. :p

It was a good publicity move by AMD, though. Get everybody talking about it for a good while beforehand right as Nvidia's new cards are coming out.

I showed a lot more bias before having shares. I feel AMD have come a long way since a few years ago.

I got lucky, I was in the right place at the right time with plenty of spare cash.

I guess I owe Nvidia some thanks tbf. Lol, yeah, no.
Mostly I thank AMD engineers for making great products despite having a much lower budget than the competition.
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