He'd be entirely justified in doing so if I was actually biased.
Still be generally unhelpful to debate though unless you were actually posting false or misleading information. I just think it has to be a pretty extreme case before it's worth actually calling someone out for it. Debates should be about the technologies, not the person.
Personally I have no problem with people being bias or championing a brand of their choice - infact I'd rather see a bit of passion/lively debate, though its a little sad when it goes to the extreme of empty headed cheerleading. What I find repulsive is when people spread information they plainly know enough about the subject that they know is incorrect but still propagate it because it either looks bad on the competition for whoever they support or mis-leads people towards false positive thinking about the brand they support.
You know, I actually agree with that. In rare cases, I suppose people championing their favourites can be refreshing. It's just that it so rarely stays there rather than becoming attacks on the 'opposing camp'. Like I have little problem with Ferrari's bonkers enthusiasm for all things AMD. I like the company myself and passion for new tech is why we SHOULD all be here. I just think when it leads to things like you shouldn't criticize a company if you want it to do well, it crosses into justifying misinformation.