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Radeon RX 480 "Polaris" Launched at $199

16 Jun 2004
Lol, another day another £50 drop in the value of my 970's on the member's market.

..if this carries on, I'll have to sell them P&P only..:)
19 Feb 2011
? Why is it fail? Its so right. Theyve rebranded there fury card and dropped the price so they can say 2 of these can match 1 of those! When 90% of the time crossfail... fails meanwhile your running twice as many cards, twice as much electric, twice as much heat, a lot more noise... just incase the next new game supports crossfail and scales anywhere near 90% .. smart ppl spend the extra £100 and stop kidding themselves. And yup i got the FE edition which comfortably ran bf4 all night ultra 200% resolution at 2050 80c :)


As they say "fools and their money are easily parted" this person right here is a prime example of that.

Priceless post, please share more of your wisdom with us! :)

I especially like the bit about "Rebadged Fury" lmao

While you have a point about more electric and heat, the electric bit is irrelevant for most PC gamers, these cards are also much lower TDP than the previous gen, and its been proven that the added cost of electric is almost negligible.

Heat you have a point, we have no idea of Thermals, however Watercooling is a solution for many people.

You have a point with XFire as well, traditionally its been pretty horrendous for new titles, however i expect DX12 MGPU to pickup some slack where the AMD / Nvidia drivers dont, and between the Dev's and AMD / Nvidia multi GPU Support going forward should be in a better place, especially with VR in mind, as it was stated a good while ago that AMD looks at having 2 GPU as the perfect solution to VR, if they are going to market and endorse that they better well support it (yeah i know they dont support their current x2 gPu's either, but hopefully that may well change).

Anyhow, please give us more of your wisdom
24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
The state as it is now yes not good..

But i thought these new api's dx12 / Vulkan are going to change the way multi gpu's run ....

also the fact of having 2 cards for VR 1 for each eye ect ....

SLI/CF in DX12 needs to be coded in by the game developers and from what I have seen so far, that isn't a high priority for them.
11 Oct 2009
Greater London
So why have nVidia decided to jump the gun and launch the 1080 first?

I get what you're saying but there's not going to be a massive rush of orders for mainstream cards imminently after launch.

Because unlike AMD they already have a very strong positive market presence, to an average gamer who doesn't know much about hardware will see Nvidia as the better brand. So to prove to them that they are still on top, they release the top end card. Well, I say top end card, but even then the 1080 doesn't use the full fat Pascal chip, which will probably be used in the 1080 Ti/Titan.
19 Nov 2015
Glasgow Area
So why have nVidia decided to jump the gun and launch the 1080 first?

I get what you're saying but there's not going to be a massive rush of orders for mainstream cards imminently after launch.

Because people have to have the shiny shiny. How else to you explain people shelling out MORE for a poor FE card than waiting a few weeks for a cheaper, better, fast, cooler AIB card? Because some people are impatient mugs. The FE throttler card sold out everywhere. Even though you could have a FTW for cheaper in a few weeks. Basically proves that a fool and their money are easily parted. the 1080 was always going to sell because some people have got to have the best and they have got to have it now. Nvidia were just capitalising on that.

The 1080 is the fanboy card.
The 1070 is Nvidias genuine release.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
It's the price I'd expect for ~970 level performance. AMD might have a winner here for the mid-range segment.

Doubt anyone would buy 2 for x-fire though over a slightly dearer single card solution. As soon as a game doesn't work with x-fire they'd be crying and wishing they'd gone for just 1 card. Not sure why AMD advertised it as an alternative solution given the history of x-fire and game compatibility / release day driver releases.

Might be that good X-fire support is going to be a routine thing on VR games. After all, it's almost a perfect fit architecturally for a system that has to do two different views for two different eyes. One chip does left eye, one chip does right eye. (Maybe).
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
Typical AMD .. yet another rebadge release trying to keep up with Nvidia saying 'but if you buy 2 and go crossfire it beats the 1080 by 3fps in this game for $100 less!...' -with added power consumption, more heat, more noise!! AMD's driver/crossfire support has been atrocious the last few years to say the least. This presentation made me even happier about my 1080 purchase :)

Not sure if hyper-sarcastic or idiot... "Rebadge" ? Performance comparisons to a card three times the price targeted at a different market sector?
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24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
Whilst there is differing GPUs for differing people, there is a massive market for this 480 and I can see why AMD have done it. A good sensible move IMO and no counter from NVidia (that I am aware of). The performance being between a 970 and 980 makes this a very desirable card and at a fraction of those prices.

A few years ago when I had to be far more careful with my spending, I would have been all over this card.
4 Aug 2014
In the past, how has Nvidia responded if they feel their cards are priced too high compared to AMDs offering?

Does it take months for the price change to occur for example? I'm just wondering if this will affect the 1070 at all. As others have pointed out, over clocking the 480 will probably get you at least close-ish to 980Ti levels, which is around where the 1070 is at stock...
19 Feb 2011
In the past, how has Nvidia responded if they feel their cards are priced too high compared to AMDs offering?

Does it take months for the price change to occur for example? I'm just wondering if this will affect the 1070 at all. As others have pointed out, over clocking the 480 will probably get you at least close-ish to 980Ti levels, which is around where the 1070 is at stock...

Different markets though really, the 480 will sell in droves to people who game at 1080p and just want something that "Works" with minimal fuss, arent too bothered about OC'ing etc and is cheap, this card will probably tick all of those boxes.

Most people buying a £165 or so card probably dont even try to overclock their card, i expect a lot of these to be sold to dads buying their kids a cheap first PC or something to get into PC gaming with.
8 May 2014
they have been talking a lot about scalability, the new PS4 neo and Xbone2, will probably have more than 1GPU on interposer rather than upgrade to polaris type of apu, the multi-gpu work will carry on from console to PC ports, multi-gpu often sux because of the game developers integration of the feature, more than a driver side from a vendor, so if AMD can convince console makers to custom multi-gpu soc, which apears to be the case from rumours, then they will hold a significant edge over Nvidia on top of DX12 and async.
4 Aug 2014
Different markets though really, the 480 will sell in droves to people who game at 1080p and just want something that "Works" with minimal fuss, arent too bothered about OC'ing etc and is cheap, this card will probably tick all of those boxes.

Most people buying a £165 or so card probably dont even try to overclock their card, i expect a lot of these to be sold to dads buying their kids a cheap first PC or something to get into PC gaming with.

So even though the 480 and 1070 customers should be 'different', and the end of the day the point is the 480 may well end up cannibalising sales from those that just think 'well the price gap is too large to justify the small increase in performance'.

I guess benchmarks will tell us more.
15 Mar 2012
Santas Grotto
Typical AMD .. yet another rebadge release trying to keep up with Nvidia saying 'but if you buy 2 and go crossfire it beats the 1080 by 3fps in this game for $100 less!...' -with added power consumption, more heat, more noise!! AMD's driver/crossfire support has been atrocious the last few years to say the least. This presentation made me even happier about my 1080 purchase :)

+1, someone actually seeing through the marketing BS.

To play VR properly, you will need 2 of these cards and deal with the crossfire issues that incur.
28 Oct 2011
Anyone have a rough estimate of the percentage improvement in performance (@ 1080P) of this over my 4GB 380?

Could be a very cheap upgrade for me, as I only paid £150 in March for this card.
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