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Radeon VII

Man of Honour
30 Oct 2003
UK has less than 100 cards for launch.
So far we have 44 cards, more are due any day, so we essentially have just over half UK launch allocation.

Next wave shipments are not yet confirmed.

They go live 2pm Thursday!

You are a gent. Thanks for confirming times buddy.
27 Feb 2015
UK has less than 100 cards for launch.
So far we have 44 cards, more are due any day, so we essentially have just over half UK launch allocation.

Next wave shipments are not yet confirmed.

They go live 2pm Thursday!

Thanks Gibbo...Any credence to rumours in this thread on whether or not the first so many orders receive the "reviewers" style packaging for the Radeon VII?
2 Sep 2017
As I said, you can ramble all you want, the fact is you're doing nothing but guessing and taking rumours at face value.

Amd know how much the card costs to manufacture, you don't. And that's all there is to it.

You are stubborn :D Which sign are you? Aries? :D

More news coming in on AMD's upcoming high-end graphics card, the Radeon VII, with Chinese media reporting that AMD's initial production run for the card is set to ship just 5,000 pieces worldwide. This comes hot on the heels of another report that the Radeon VII won't come in custom-designs by AMD's add-in board (AIB) partners, and that only the reference design will be repackaged and sold by them. What's worse, the source which leaked this production size also revealed that AMD is selling the card below cost-price, i.e., with each card sold, AMD is losing money. This probably explains Wall Street's cold response to the Radeon VII launch, but with a batch size of just 5,000 (roughly $3.5 million in sales at $699 a piece), this card has a negligible impact on AMD's bottom-line.

AMD posted a swift denial to both pieces of news, the size of its production run and the product's profitability. In a statement to MyDrivers, AMD said (translated): "We will not release production figures, but when released on February 7, AMD.com official website and AIB vendor partners will have products on sale, and we expect the supply of Radeon VII to meet the needs of gamers." In short, Radeon VII is shaping up to be the card you'd want to buy if you've sworn a blood-oath never to buy an NVIDIA product, and you need something to play games in 2019 at 4K with.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Thanks Gibbo...

OK I've sent request into warehouse and marketing, they saying should be fine, once they get photos I will post up once I've checked with AMD I won't be breaking any NDA by doing so but I can't see that it would as there are pictures all over the web and I am there no.1 customer. :D
2 Sep 2017
Stubborn? Coming from the guy that seems to think he knows it all that's quite the statement.

And well done quoting another article, stock availability at launch being low is really something we've never seen before....

Except that smaller Navi dies are coming with the same performance.
12 Sep 2013

A lot of what we get told has specifics left out so you can't class it as gospel, As an example how Raj Koduri gave us a date for when Vega launches and when it was only the Frontier edition launch his excuse was I didn't say gaming Vega, He did it a gaming event though,

When they say that they are taking a loss it could be that they are talking about a loss when compared to what they would have got if they had used the chip in an MI50 card.
Companies like these purposely make statements that leave room for more than one possible interpretation, that's a given.
12 Sep 2013
Except that smaller Navi dies are coming with the same performance.

And? :confused:. Christmas is coming as well, doesn't mean it's not a long way off.

Where did the same performance part come from?
I've been expecting Vega 56 or maybe Vega 64 performance from Navi at best, It's a Polaris replacement.
I've not seen anything to contradict that yet.
2 Sep 2017
Where did the same performance part come from?
I've been expecting Vega 56 or maybe Vega 64 performance from Navi at best, It's a Polaris replacement.
I've not seen anything to contradict that yet.

Navi has always been expected to be Vega 64 + 15% for $250.

That seems like a very low stock allocation for the UK.

44 for OCUK, 100 for the entire UK, and 5000 pcs worldwide.
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