Nope, and I'm not if sure anyone is/was asking for that to happen in this thread, unless I've misread something posted earlier. I completely agree with you that job "experience" is essential too and I think the only real discussion around "experience" was that around life/character, rather than "experience" of the job.
In case there was any confusion, IIRC the general point being discussed at the time was the idea being put forward by the MOD that, for someone from an ethnic minority, recruiting them because of their experiences of growing up with a different background to someone with a "white" background will automatically improve the military (versus if they'd picking the person with white "experiences") as the MOD said someone from an ethnic minority is able to think differently and therefore come up with better ideas due to their different background experiences - we discussed how that very simplistic notion from the MOD doesn't really match reality, which led to the post you quoted IIRC.