Wow, there are some very outdated and lets be honest, quite wrong thoughts on the RAFP!
You know what, thats a genuinely fair point in my case.
It's been a decade since I left the RAF so I'll happily admit that my biases against the RAFP are outdated by now by at least 10+ years, however they were certainly correct up when I served i.e. arrests by the RAFP (so they could charge someone) for timekeeping were still a thing when I joined up 30 years ago (alongside being arrested and kicked out for being gay which was still a thing) and back then we still had a few cells in every guardroom for drunks returning back from town etc so arrests and charges were way more common when I joined than when I left.
As a point of self-reflection, one thing I realise I've got to start keeping in mind when I talk about the RAF online is that it HAS been over 30 years since I joined and a decade since I left and yet I still talk about it as if everything when I joined way back then is still the same now, and it obviously isn't, so I've got to me more mindful that my experience and that of someone serving today is probably going to be very different. I mean it'd be like me listening to someone who joined in the 60's telling me all about what the RAF is like when I joined in the 90's which still requires some mental adjustments.
This is especially true as I'm in a job where I interact with a wide range of military enlisted/Officer folks everyday and I make a conscious effort there to be aware of the differences so I should bring that across to here too.
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