sup guys
thinking of building a pc sometime in the summer ... am considering possibly going with a 750i or more likely P35 mobo, putting 2 x 500GB Samsung Spinpoints in RAID 0.
The 2 HD's will be all the storage, other than a 250GB WD External HD I Have, and I will be using them for games, os , documents etc
This will be the first machine i've ever built from scratch myself, from what I see RAID isn't *that* difficult to set up? Is it worth the performance gain? How likely is drive failure? I've had this OEM pos for 4 yrs now and the 80G Seagate is going strong after hours of heavy use each day ...
thinking of building a pc sometime in the summer ... am considering possibly going with a 750i or more likely P35 mobo, putting 2 x 500GB Samsung Spinpoints in RAID 0.
The 2 HD's will be all the storage, other than a 250GB WD External HD I Have, and I will be using them for games, os , documents etc
This will be the first machine i've ever built from scratch myself, from what I see RAID isn't *that* difficult to set up? Is it worth the performance gain? How likely is drive failure? I've had this OEM pos for 4 yrs now and the 80G Seagate is going strong after hours of heavy use each day ...