I'm sure youre meant to have a feast on ramadan, someone left out the e way back.
I scrolled too quickly and read that as something different and shocking....
I'm sure youre meant to have a feast on ramadan, someone left out the e way back.
Surely you can drink water?
lol guys its not like your going to die going without food until sunset. Its about self control, discipline and a thought for the needy. Its like lent. Just remember to hydrate and eat your carbs before sunrise fellas.
Yeah but would they do if it wasn't written in their ancient book?
If not then all the talk about empathizing with the needy is disingenuous.
This thread will not turn into Muslim bashing or snide comments on Ramadan.
With all due respect, discussing or even criticising irrational beliefs does not amount to 'Muslim Bashing'. There a wide margin between highlighting the futility of religious rituals and becoming a member of the EDL.
Yet doing either in this thread is trolling - or at least I think so.
With all due respect, discussing or even criticising irrational beliefs does not amount to 'Muslim Bashing'. There a wide margin between highlighting the futility of religious rituals and becoming a member of the EDL.
Then you and I have a vastly different view of what a troll is. Not agreeing with something is not 'trolling'
Then you and I have a vastly different view of what a troll is. Not agreeing with something is not 'trolling'