Random Acts of Kindness...

2 Nov 2004
After reading through a few threads where people report attacks, abuse or whatever that is supposedly endemic in the modern world I thought I would start a thread that listed the random acts of kindness that have been bestowed on us by strangers or friends at some point...

Two recent acts of kindness bestowed on others
Sold someone a sold-out concert ticket at no profit (when they were going on eBay at a higher price)
Bought someone a modem because theirs broke and they couldn't afford a replacement

A random act of kindness bestowed on me
My friend hit her credit card hard for my birthday because she wanted to get something I would like
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I used to make a point to do something nice for a stranger at least a couple of times a week. I've stopped going out of my way to do it now, but I always try if the chance comes up. At Paddington station last week I was in the queue to get a coffee, and the woman in front of me didn't have enough cash and they didn't accept cards, so I gave her the quid she needed to pay for it.

Doing nice things for people makes you feel good about yourself :)
I paid for a car park ticket at the hospital for the woman in front of me because the machine didn't take 5p's. You would've thought I'd given her £50 the way se kept saying thankyou!
I was on a train a few weeks ago and I was just about to get off when I noticed a woman with a pram and a few kids behind her as well. I stayed on and lifted the pram off for her. The look she gave me would put me off ever doing it again. It was the kind of look that said "I don't need no man to help me do stuff". :eek:
I always give my seat up for old people in the bus station! :D It's rare that anyone else does, there's usually a big surplus of people leaving college on a Friday afternoon and i'm always the one who offers first.

It does make you feel good and it's especially worth it when they show some appreciation.
I generally try to do what I can for other people, like stopping to help a stranded motorist, or offering a little extra change when the person ahead of me is a little short.

Mind you, in this part of the country that's commonplace in general anyways with everyone......
Couple of weeks ago I was in town on my lunch break and an elderly American tourist asked me if I knew the way to the coachpark where he was supposed to meet his group. He'd got lost and was a bit anxious as he thought they'd leave without him. I tried to direct him but he was in a bit of a muddle so I ended up walking across town with him to the coachpark, and speaking to a few bus drivers to find his coach then taking him there.

I didn't have time to do what I went to town for and went back to work hungry! Still, it means one less tourist in Stratford so it's all good...;)
Helped the security guard at my local Sainsbury’s hold down a thief twice his size whilst everyone else just stood their watching like a bunch of Muppets:rolleyes:
I always open doors and give up seats for ladies, old people and mothers with small children. But I was brought up to be a gentleman by my dad.
I was selling a bunch of old CDs on eBay a while back, and not all of them sold. So I bundled in the ones that didn't sell with similar CDs in the hope that a few people would appreciate them. Clicky!
Helping a granny to get up the stairs to Argos counts as an act of kindness? As for me I got a free sausage with my chips once in a chippy as they were closing.
The other day in town this foreign middle aged lady, thai i think couldnt speak engish very well and asked me if I could send a text in english to her friend. So I said yeah sure no problem, so i started texting in what she was saying, although I dont think she realised texts are only abou 150 letters long cos she went on for ages! Then I typed it, and she couldnt send it so I had to send it for her, but then I had to wait for the delivery reports to make sure it sent etc etc

If anyone asks for help that i can give I will kindly give it to them! Its a good feeling knowing that you have helped someone :)
fatiain said:
I always open doors and give up seats for ladies, old people and mothers with small children. But I was brought up to be a gentleman by my dad.
Hence all the threats to attack the bridesmaids? ;)


I'm far too cynical for all this, probably because I live in London.

If someone asks for the time they want you to get your phone out so they can snatch it.
If someone says they're just 5p short on a coffee they want you to get your wallet out so they can have it.

Sad :(
Arcade Fire said:
Doing nice things for people makes you feel good about
yourself :)
[irritating sod]
Ah, but then are you really doing it purely for the sake of doing something good,
or to please yourself?
[/irritating sod]


I agree though, it's nice to do this sort of thing :)
I've set people up for relationships before and have been to three weddings as a result!

I also had to let go a bird I pulled one night so that I could look after a female friend.

I also sacked off a possible meeting/date with a girl I really liked so that I could take a mate to hospital (he'd been shot with an air rifle in Kensington Liverpool (damn ******* scallies!!!)).

This probably might sound really weird but here goes :

The most random act of kindness bestowed on me was at the bus stop by the community college on Myrtle Street in Liverpool (for those that know it).

I always get really odd drunks coming upto me and telling me their lifestory (guy who got shot in the calf, guy with piles (:(), guy who had Burmese flu etc etc).

The person that day was somebody who reckoned conceptual art was dead and he kept telling me this in a really larey drunk way. He kept shouting it at me standing two inches away from my face. I wasn't too bothered as I'm sort of used to it by now and just sort of smiled and nodded at him. Suddenly this girl who only came upto my shoulders barges her way between him and me and says "Hallo mate!! I haven't seen you in ages!!" and starts talking gibberish, but it was enough for the drunk bloke to get confused and stagger off.

She then says "sorry I wasn't sure whether he was going to start a fight or not so I thought it better to jump in!" I honestly didn't know what to say. The fact that he probably wasn't going to start being violent wasn't really the point, but the fact she threw herself into a very stressed situation totally made my day. I did meet her out in the Raz a few days later though and bought her a vodka slush puppy so it was all cool :)
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