Yesterday in the evening, my smart doorbell detected motion, I watched the clip and saw a small child being picked up by his parents, I just assumed he had wandered onto my drive and they were retrieving him. But when I watched back the footage from my cameras, they seemed to purposely cross the road and place him on my drive.
Were they scoping out my house? I wasn't home at the time and they were gone by time I got the notification.
They were speaking a foreign language, maybe Polish. I can post the video too.
I don't know these people and I've lived here for 2.5 years. Should I be concerned?
Were they scoping out my house? I wasn't home at the time and they were gone by time I got the notification.
They were speaking a foreign language, maybe Polish. I can post the video too.
I don't know these people and I've lived here for 2.5 years. Should I be concerned?