Rant of the week.. The F word on adult tv and violence in video games

11 Jun 2009
Bridgwater, Somerset, UK
First off I'm sorry in advance for my spelling and grammer. I do have Dyslexia but ill try and do my best with this little rant! So please give me a brake on the spelling/grammer :( (aimed at the forum nazi lol)

Why do the bleep the f word? I guarantee well over 80% of the people in the english speaking world use it on a daily basis. Even children use it (come on lets not pretend your children don't use it when your out of the room). Even Dam and jesus H christ are being bleeped now (in America and on Uk music stations) along with objects on MTV. I saw a program a few months back where they fuzzed out a cigarette and a glass of wine.

A music video a few years back had a child saying the word "wine" and it was removed from video play list for this reason. Why? for the kids? Come on, whats the first thing a child does when its told not to do something/something hidden from their view. They want to see what it is, and theyll end up going out to find out what this stick is you put in your mouth. I am strongly anti drugs but you cant deny what the Dutch have done has improved drug culture. Rather than hiding it away from people they've opend it up and said "look this is drugs, use them if you want to" Lol from what i understand the main market in amsterdam is English tourists going there to get high" WHile the dutch use it, its no where NEAR the amount it used to be when it was all underground.

Maybe a bit of a topic swapper, but i can see some what of a link in the violence in video game argument. I along with my brother and friends were ALL brought up playing video games like mortal kombat, street fighter and Splatter house 2. We still play games like Doom 3 and man hunt to this day! We were also HUGE wrestling fans. We have never killed, or even hurt anyone in our entire lives. Why? Because we were brought up to know what was real and what was a cartoon/video game/movie, to "respect every person you meet".

As soon as a child kills some one, its instantly some one else’s fault. "Micky killed his class mate because he played manhunt" or "Jamie hacked his little sister to death because he saw it in a cartoon" All violent games are given a certificate (12,15,18) yet still they try and ban the games or blame them when something goes wrong... because parents let their children play them. Children cant go out and buy GTA4. Jesus, i got I.d'ed two weeks ago for a tube of glue and im 25! Its the parents who go out and buy the games for their children.

Surely its about time we stop censoring Tv/movies/games and bring our children up in a way where they know "Smoking is bad for you", "When you shoot some one, they don't come back to life" and not censor the media/tv/video games incase a child see's something 'bad' and blame the media when their children do something wrong because maybe JUST maybe its their fault for not bringing their children up a little better. Blame some one else and everything will go away.

Rant over :p
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16 Nov 2009
I do think swearies and sex and violence should be bleeped or omitted before the watershed. There's so much crap in the world that decency is dwindling.

As for games, blame the media for bandwagoning and exaggerating. They are idiots who make things up all the time.
11 Jun 2009
Bridgwater, Somerset, UK
I do think swearies and sex and violence should be bleeped or omitted before the watershed. There's so much crap in the world that decency is dwindling.

As for games, blame the media for bandwagoning and exaggerating. They are idiots who make things up all the time.

Yep sorry agreed! I didnt actully put about the water shed >< thought i had sorry. Obvsiouly you cant see an erect mans member on CITV or while your eating brekky! but i do think the F word can be used a lot earlier than it is same with swearing.
11 Jun 2009
Bridgwater, Somerset, UK
I think people get confused about the scripted side of things.

Anyone who has listened to all the XFM shows must know deep down that Karl is not scripted- I think at best he deliberately tells stupid Monkey News to wind Ricky up but that's it.

The reason the podcasts sound scripted is because they are - basically they rehashed the funny parts from the XFM shows and retold them.

....... lmfao.. while i agree with you Karl is FAR from scripted.. I dont get your point .. lol Yea some of the pod casts were re tellings of the story but were fun none the less :D The best story in XFM was the Boy stealing the horse lol
4 Aug 2004
I think people get confused about the scripted side of things.

Anyone who has listened to all the XFM shows must know deep down that Karl is not scripted- I think at best he deliberately tells stupid Monkey News to wind Ricky up but that's it.

The reason the podcasts sound scripted is because they are - basically they rehashed the funny parts from the XFM shows and retold them.

Are you lost son? :D

I think censoring the f word can only be a good thing. If it was used too frequently it might spoil it. :D
16 Jun 2009
What I don't like is broadcasters having a swear-fest as soon as 9PM comes round.
At one point I thought the BBC must have a quota for curse words. If you can broadcast someone saying ******* **** and ******, then you must, seemed to be the policy.

I think the language we know and use does shape our thought processes, in the form of our internal dialogues, for example. If half someone's vocabulary consists of obscenity, it isn't a surprise if their behaviour is degenerate and brutal. Just a random thought.
1 Dec 2004
I still get confused by how on british TV, they literally cant say anything until 9PM, however, again on British TV, if you got american shows like Friends or something else, they say b (word for female dog) and the p word (when your very drunk)

I know these aint as bad as the c word but???

Not that I have a problem with swearing, sometimes its neccasary to let out a few :)
14 Oct 2009
Silicon Valley, USA
Are you lost son? :D

I think censoring the f word can only be a good thing. If it was used too frequently it might spoil it. :D

LOL, my oh my, that third Peroni did the trick. I keep doing this... sigh. I was replying to the Karl Pilkington thread in the other forum with multiple tabs open, clicked away, clicked back on the OCUK forum tab and just started typing.

Idiot of the day award.
7 Dec 2003
Censoring swear words teaches children (and some adults I reckon) that they're taboo. Remove censorship and the taboo will be eroded, swearing will be seen as more acceptable.
10 Mar 2005
I think after 10 anything should be allowed within the law without censoring but within the law. But I do get irritated by people complaining when things get controversial. Dont like it - stfu and change channel you got another 40 odd stations on freeview or 100's on sky don't spoil it for anyone else. Plenty of choice.
9 Nov 2003
The Motor City
I still get confused by how on british TV, they literally cant say anything until 9PM, however, again on British TV, if you got american shows like Friends or something else, they say b (word for female dog) and the p word (when your very drunk)

I know these aint as bad as the c word but???

Not that I have a problem with swearing, sometimes its neccasary to let out a few :)
Yeah, here in the US the B word is so loosely thrown around and means pretty much the same as "chick" or the old-school "broad". Not exactly offensive.

I do find it funny that the P word is not used on these forums. We use it very freely as being "very upset". It was odd hearing it used by a good British friend once years ago meaning that she was drunk. :D

I agree with the OP, though. Why bother bleeping it? We all know what they're saying anyway. Bleeps are more annoying to me than the words themselves.
1 Dec 2004
Yeah, here in the US the B word is so loosely thrown around and means pretty much the same as "chick" or the old-school "broad". Not exactly offensive.

I do find it funny that the P word is not used on these forums. We use it very freely as being "very upset". It was odd hearing it used by a good British friend once years ago meaning that she was drunk. :D

I agree with the OP, though. Why bother bleeping it? We all know what they're saying anyway. Bleeps are more annoying to me than the words themselves.

broad,lol, that is old school :D

We do use the p word when were annoyed, exactly the same as you do, but you never see words being used like that on TV before 9PM. Unless its an American show,lol
11 Jun 2009
Bridgwater, Somerset, UK
Censoring swear words teaches children (and some adults I reckon) that they're taboo. Remove censorship and the taboo will be eroded, swearing will be seen as more acceptable.

But..why is seeing c and F words as acceptable a bad thing? The less we use them the more power the have to shock. It's like the N word. When some one says that it sends shivers down my spine (and it should) but that gives the scum who use the N word power to shock and offend.

Maybe the N word was a bad e.g. lol but i hope you can see how i mean. Swear words have no effect on me any more. I dont get offended easily and if some one shouts out "your a f'in w" to me on the street i dont get offended that much. If i was brought up never hearing it then yea i honetsly belive it would hurt, offend and scare me. I use them (like we all do apart from a few good christians) because they are just words.

Going ojn another rant nudity is the same thing. Every one is born naked. whats the harm to people who like walking around naked. Ppl really P me off when they say "I dont want my child seeing that!".. WHY?! Lmao worry about your kid seeing some one getting mugged or killed not some one walking around, how we all are under our clothes.
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18 Jun 2010
It's like the music video for katy perry - california gurls.

The bit where it goes "All that ass hanging out"

it censors the word Ass on TMF I mean for god's sake that is stupid lol.
25 Aug 2010
i remember back when the C word was NEVER said on tv/film. now its up there with the F bomb. :D

it dosnt bother me the slightest, end of the day its only a word. it's up to the person to be stupid enough to get offended by a sound
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