Rant of the week.. The F word on adult tv and violence in video games

4 Aug 2004
LOL, my oh my, that third Peroni did the trick. I keep doing this... sigh. I was replying to the Karl Pilkington thread in the other forum with multiple tabs open, clicked away, clicked back on the OCUK forum tab and just started typing.

Idiot of the day award.

We should send you abroad. :D

19 Feb 2010
Are you lost son? :D

I think censoring the f word can only be a good thing. If it was used too frequently it might spoil it. :D

I agree. We need more censorship. It becomes more difficult to really offend someone and to curse while sounding like you really mean it if all the expletives are accepted as par for the course. :mad:
27 Oct 2003
Come on, whats the first thing a child does when its told not to do something/something hidden from their view.

My girlfriend's 4 year old niece, while sitting in their broken down car the other day, just turned around and said "****ing car!". Massive challenge for her mother and grandfather to a) keep a straight face and b) not react, as knowing it gets a reaction would only encourage her.

****ing kids ;)
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
I agree with the OP, though. Why bother bleeping it? We all know what they're saying anyway. Bleeps are more annoying to me than the words themselves.

Likewise, but I find asterisks on forums more annoying than both.

If I write "The way in which censorship is implemented here is ****ing pointless", then for any reader there are two possibilities:

i) They know that the asterisks are a crude word that can be used as a verb and they can assume that it's the one that fits best and is considered most offensive.

They know what the word is, so it doesn't matter if it's written with the normal spelling or as asterisks.

ii) They don't know what the word is. So it doesn't matter if it's written with the normal spelling or as asterisks.

Either way, it doesn't matter whether the word is written with the normal spelling or as asterisks.

It's a completely pointless form of censorship that serves only to be irritating and insulting. Are we all so stupid that we're fooled by asterisks, like spelling out a word so the dog won't understand it? W - A - L - K.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
swear words serve a purpose and should be kept. if we had no swear words we'd be lost and most probably end up making new ones

That's what has happened in the past. 'Pintel', for example, was a very crude English word for a penis. It was stigmatised completely out of use. That did nothing to stop the existence of crude words for penises in English.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
i remember back when the C word was NEVER said on tv/film. now its up there with the F bomb. :D

it dosnt bother me the slightest, end of the day its only a word. it's up to the person to be stupid enough to get offended by a sound

Turn and turn about. It used to be acceptable enough to be commonly used for street names. Old records have been found in quite a few UK towns and cities listing it in the official records of who owned what. The records ho back as far as 1230, but no doubt the streets were called the same before then.
9 Nov 2003
The Motor City
Not exactly the same - there's no 'off' in the USA usage, which is what varies the meaning between 'drunk' and 'angry' in the UK.
We use it both ways with the same meaning. It doesn't matter if "off" is included or not. Sometimes "off" is used just to embellish it a little more. Either way, it is the same meaning. But thank you... at least now I understand the difference there. :)

Likewise, but I find asterisks on forums more annoying than both.
Agreed. Why not the good old widely accepted comic book !@#$% instead? Only takes 1/2 second to type it. :D
27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
So do I but it didn't stop me getting a 1st last year in engineering at Loughborough.

Stop using it as an excuse and work around it. If you cannot spell, then copy and paste your post into MS Word and spellcheck before posting.

And turn posting on a hobby forum into a chore? The guy didnt write incomprehensible crap, He wrote it out quite well with a few mistakes, christ some people need to remove the stick their crack.
9 Nov 2003
The Motor City
It's not bleeped for you.
Live programmes are. Sitcoms aren't -- words aren't generally written into the script at all -- unless it is a very deliberate attempt to mask a very offensive word. It will be bleeped if it is a critical part of a movie that has been edited for television that they can't just knock out the whole scene. Yes, we definately have bleepage *sic* here. :D

While we're on a rant, I was just watching an infomercial for a cooking device. "With the energy savings alone the unit will virtually pay for itself."

Why "virtually"? That word means not real; doesn't really exist. I keep hearing it used over and over, when they really mean "nearly". If I was to purchase something for cost savings and I heard that it "virtually" pays for itself, I would assume that it doesn't at all. Is it used the same way in the UK?
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