I'm surprised these guys still exist, they are shockingly bad (which is a shame since they were actually good before tiscali took over them)
I had an internet and calls package with them:
Firstly they charged me several hundred for international calls, even though I was paying for an unlimited international call package.
I was in the process of moving anyway, so I decided to cancel my contract with them, and transferred calls to BT and internet to O2.
Got a letter from BT with the usual we've received a request to take over calls, your changeover date will be xxx, you will receive a letter after this date confirming we have taken over. It gets to date xxx, a few weeks pass... no letter, then I get a bill from Pipex for another £100+ for international calls. Several frustrating hours to customer support later (both BT and Pipex) and BT tell me Pipex put in a request 2 days before date xxx to take over the calls again - despite there being no such request from me. Told them to take over the calls again, cancelled all direct debits to Pipex, and got on the phone to them asking for the final bill.
2 months later I get the final bill (after many calls from them asking for money, and me telling them they're not getting anything until I get the bill I asked for 2 months ago) - total of £900!! They'd still been charging for calls for 6 weeks after I'd moved out of the property...
Anyway, long story short, I sent them a cheque for the value of the cancellation fee, the calls I <should> have been charged for, less £60 for 2 hours of my time, (I think it was about £100 in the end) along with a sternly worded and itemised letter stating what I was & wasn't paying for and why. Cheque was cashed and I haven't heard anything from them since.
Not sure why I bothered to post that, just warning people away I guess!!