Rate the sig above thread.

What is it? Abstract cattle art? 5/10 for effort

I can't remember where I saw it, but I've seen the full version of monkeypuzzle's sig, with the horse riders and what not..

And frankly I think it's brill :P

Nice and simple with a link, reminds me of InvaderGir's sig, which I liked as well - 7/10.

Can I get your opinions on this for a sig:


Do you think eyes have been overdone? (seen a few people with them in their sigs...). Any suggestions for a colour filter rather than greyscale?
lol shaffa, you've made 45 posts in this thread so far.. there *must* be someone who likes your sig ;)

1/10.. I'm not into football, the head needs some AA, and there's a spelling mistake that annoys me everytime I see your sig :p
Is that the NFL? I didn't know you could follow it in the UK. Very good imagery, clear colours and crisp detail. 9.3/10. :)

Yeah. I've been a fan for a number of years now. I was lucky enough to buy the tickets for the Wembley game in October. Luck for me the team I suppor is playing :D.


5/10. If you blended the picture in with the text etc it would probably get a higher score :) Atm it looks like it came out of pain. Sorry :(.
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