Rate the sig above thread.


Boring too 5/10 (may aswell move onto next person..mines a quote)

OT but yantorsen how many times do you wanna post in this thread :eek:
Why does it have Drogba and Middlesborough on it? or am I missing something?

That one looks much better than the original btw.

i love boro, and drogba, is it to hard to imagine? :p


thanks raikiri, once again, esp for the "cba"

legendary :)

also, the sig rules saynothing about a sig having only 4 lines of text inside a pic.

OcUK said:
You may use a signature (commonly used in email messages) in your posts. You can specify in your profile a signature to use at the bottom of your posts. When you post, there is an option to use your signature. A signature may contain one or more images but they must fit within a box with maximum dimensions of 400 x 75 pixels (width x height) and with a maximum (combined) file size of 20k. Images containing mostly very large words or animated .gifs will not be permitted. You may also add 1 consecutive lines of normal or smaller text directly above or underneath the image with no spaces inbetween image and text. If no images are used then up to 4 consecutive lines of normal or smaller text is permitted. Do not pad out your text lines with blanks lines. A line of text is defined as having a maximum length of 400 pixels. If you want to turn the signature off in the future, you can come back and edit your post. If you have specified a signature in your profile, the box will be automatically ticked for you.

The forum Dons/Admins reserve the right to judge individual signatures, particularly those deemed to contain material of an adult or offensive nature. If the Dons/Admins think the signature is unsuitable for a family orientated forum, then it will be removed. If the user then replaces it without making changes, they will be suspended.
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