Raymond's wedding photos, travels and other musings.

Funny enough one of your pictures from that wedding popped up on my Facebook feed yesterday. One of the guests was in my physics class at school... pretty sure he's a member here.. was it an ocuk related wedding? ;)

Haha, yeah, they are members here :)
hey Ray, good stuff as usual :)

How are you getting on with your new sigma 50 art? I've just ordered one myself for my 5d mark iiis as i was finding my old sigma 50 pretty unreliable with focusing wide open at distances over a few meters, and pretty soft. I usually use 35/85 but need the 50 sometimes so decided to treat myself.


I love it, it's better than some of my L's, it really is. In every respect from optics, built quality, CA, IQ, everything.

It is so worth it, I would say it is a bargain at £700 for a lens of this quality.

This is taken with it.

I've ordered one :)

Looking forward to getting it, but still slightly concerned about the focus reliability etc. Did yours need MA?

It does, I can't remember how much, -7 or -14. I think one camera was -7 and another was -14 or something.

Don't be alarmed if it needs MA. Like me above, if one camera was 0 and another was -10. Is it the lens or the camera?

If you get the dock and MA the lens to one camera, you still need to MA the other camera to suit.

Either way, it's no big deal.
'Father and Son' brings a tear to my eye.

I tried to get a picture of my daughter with bubbles a week or so ago but failed miserably, she just won't stay still long enough to get bubbles in the frame and get her in focus, all the while i'm using one hand to generate the bubbles because she doesn't want to. Kids.

Thanks :)

Kids are unpredictable, they never do what you want them to do !

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