RB's Training Log 2015

120kg - 5x5
5s Paused 80kg - 5, 5

These felt a ton better than the last session. Rest day <3

45kg - 7, 7, 6, 6, 4
35kg - 10

And then 3 hours of squash.
That was like a warm up for me, I'm used to playing ~6 hours of badminton both singles and doubles. :p

Fail today. Need to try and get my workout in a bit earlier than already having been at work for 9 hours. Everything felt super super heavy.

140kg - 5, 3
100kg - 10, 8
80kg - 10
60kg - 10

65kg - 5
60kg - 5
50kg - 7, 7, 7

Upright Row
20kg - 4x10

Pull Ups
BW - 5, 6, 6, 6, 5
Solid! :cool: If I keep this up, I'll have 150kg squats by mid year! :o
Since doing warrior lunges almost daily, my form on squats have felt strong, even on last set last rep (no rounding), and pretty much nil back pain on heavy or volume sets. :)

122.5kg - 5x5
80kg - 5x10

Didn't even feel TOO heavy. :cool:

45kg - 7, 7, 6, 6, 6
35kg - 10, 10

Lateral Raise
2x10kg - 5x5

Reverse Fly
2x12kg - 5x5
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In case you didn't see how I state my weights from my last thread, I like to state total weight so 20kg is 10kg each side as opposed to 20kg dbs haha. So not quite beast.
Pecs still achey from a couple of days ago, so bench press wasn't great, even with my miscalculating 75kg and putting on 70kg! xD

100kg - 3x10

Bench Press
70kg - 5, 3, 4, 4, 4
Dropset 50/30/20kg - 8/15/25

Pull Ups
BW - 8, 6, 7, 6, 7

Spoke too soon.. Really terrible session today. Felt strong before starting but body said no.

125kg - 5, 5, 2
110kg - 2

45kg - 7, 5, 6, 6, 6

140kg - 5, 2
120kg - 2
100kg - 5
60kg - 15

Battle Rope
7x30 seconds

The only thing decent were the battle ropes (well, hard to go wrong really!).
First time using them properly, and wow the lats pump from them! :o
I think it's the calorie deficit that's making it quite tough. :( In the 2.5 weeks I've lost about 3.5lbs so right on track.

I'll drop the weights a tiny bit and see how it goes.

125kg - 5, 5, 5, 0
100kg - 8, 2
5s Paused 60kg - 5

45kg - 7, 7, 6, 6, 5
35kg - 10
1 week no update! :( Yeah, I woke up with a trapped nerve in my neck on Thursday so had to skip quite a few sessions.
It was manageable on Sunday so done some light sets of a bit of everything. Played badminton on Monday and did some core work on Tuesday.

Neck still not 100% but it doesn't bother me anymore, fortunately!

Lost some strength on squats. Well either that, or waking up at 3:30am unexpectedly and not getting back to sleep, and only eating ~800 calories in the 8 hours prior to the workout left me with little energy.
I was getting a bit of head rush towards the end of the squat sets!

But anyhoo, good to be back.

120kg - 5, 5
100kg - 10, 10, 10
5s Paused 70kg - 8, 5

45kg - 7, 7, 7, 7, 6
35kg - 11

Almost!! :(

Lateral Raise
2x10kg - 5x5
2x6kg - 10

Reverse Fly
2x12kg - 5x7
2x6kg - 20
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Probably shouldn't have tried for a 1RM deadlift the day after squats, but the back felt strong so I thought why not! Legs didn't seem to agree.

100kg - 10, 10
Singles - 140kg, 150kg
140kg - 5
120kg - 5
100kg - 10

Attempted 160kg but couldn't budge it. Glad to know I can hit my previous 1RM on weaker legs though.

Seated Row
45kg - 3x10

Pull Ups
BW - 7, 6, 8

Then 5 hours of competitive badminton including a mixed tournament for half of that time.
Legs are well and truly knackered! Been up on my feet for about 20 hours now. Should sleep well. :p
Friday is normally my rest day but seeing as I missed chest last week, thought I'd do it today.

Bench Press
75kg - 5, 4, 4, 4, 4
Dropset 60/50/40/30/20kg - 10/7/10/10/20

Chest Fly
2x12kg - 5x7

Press Ups
BW - 5x20
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Front delts hurt from bench press so not so good on the OHP.
And other than a few biscuits, I didn't have anything to eat for 6.5 hours before workout so not good on the squats either!
It was very busy at work unusually!

Bulgarian Split Squat
40kg - 3x10

120kg - 4 (Not too deep)
100kg - 5, 8, 2 :(
5s Paused 60kg - 5, 5

45kg - 6, 5, 4

And more 120cm box jumps.
3rd March:

100kg - 3x10

Some pull ups.

Incline Curl With Twist
2x14kg - 3x5

Preacher Curl
30kg - 4, 4
20kg - 5, 5, 5


Nice long session today. Now at 166lbs, just another 2 weeks cutting, then back on the gainssss.

120kg - 5, 5, 5, 5, 0
5s Paused 50kg - 8, 8

Front Squat
60kg - 3
50kg - 5, 5

45kg - 7, 7, 7, 7, 5
Singles - 50kg, 55kg, Attempted 60kg
50kg - 3, 2
Dropset 40/30/20kg - 5/7/8

Lateral Raise
2x10kg - 5x7
2x6kg - 20

Reverse Fly
2x12kg - 3x10
2x14kg - 5, 5
2x6kg - 20

Leg Press
120kg - 10
160kg - 10
200kg - 5
Dropset 200/150/100kg - 6/7/15

Wow my glutes after that leg press dropset! :o

Really thought I'd hit the 5x7 on the OHP but I just couldn't push it up on the last set. I think I'll go up to 47.5kg anyway as the first few sets went up quite easily.
Same with the squats; first sets' ok, last 2 sets, energy kaput. I think it's just the lack of food so I'll drop it to 3 sets for these remaining 2 weeks, but stick with 120kg as I know that's not going to go up whilst I'm losing weight.
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One thing I do like about cutting is, well, looking more cut!

*WARNING* Mirror selfie alert! Progress picture, which I haven't done since about a year, year and a half ago. What a change. :) Now I just need to put on some mass.


Bench Press
75kg - 5, 3
70kg - 5, 5, 5, 4
50kg - 12, 12

Chest Fly
2x12kg - 5x5
2x8kg - 10

BW - 10
BW+10kg - 5
BW+15kg - 5
BW+20kg - 6, 5, 4

Been ages since I done weighted dips, and first time trying weighted pull ups.

Pull Ups
BW+10kg - 4
BW+5kg - 6, 5, 5, 6
BW - 5, 5
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Overdue update from me. That Friday (6th) I went on a ZUU course and wow I was aching for about 3 days after that so didn't get anything done.
I really like that kind of training actually, so will implement in into my own training.

Then I had the singles tournament on the 12th so laid off anything heavy so nothing to write home about. But arghhh, thinking about the tournament makes me angry.. lol.
I got to quarter finals (only 2 games before that though), and I was up 20-17, and lost 20-21 :@ making stupid mistakes... Oh well.. live and learn.

So, now I'm back on the gain train! :)
Taking a little while to get settled back into lifting heavy as it's just coming up to about 2 weeks since. :o

14th March:

120kg - 5
140kg - 3
120kg - 5, 5

50kg - 3x10
45kg - 3x10

Pull Ups
BW - 5x6

15th March:

Knew I shouldn't have swapped my back/leg day around.. Back was shot.

100kg - 5
110kg - 5
115kg - 2
100kg - 5, 3
80kg - 3
60kg - 10, 10

Then some 30 minutes of BW squats ZUU style. Feel the burnnnn.


Bench Press
60kg - 5
70kg - 5x5
Dropset 70/60/40/20kg - 2/6/8/30

Chest Fly
2x12kg - 5x7
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17th March:

2x20kg - 5x5
2x22kg - 4, 3
2x14kg - 7

Lateral Raise
2x10kg - 7, 6, 7

Reverse Fly
2x12kg - 3x10


Never seem to pick the right day for deadlifts! Had quite a long day with quite a bit of exercise throughout. Although not anything strenuous, still had enough impact.

100kg - 3x10

140kg - 2
120kg - 5, 3

Pull Ups
BW - 9, 7, 8, 8, 8
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