RB's Training Log 2015

19th March:

60kg - 3x5

26kg - 5
30kg - 5
32kg - 5
34kg - 5, 7
22kg - 10

Upright Row
25kg - 3x10

Pull Ups
BW - 5, 5, 8, 5

Preacher Curl
20kg - 5
25kg - 5, 7, 7, 7, 6

Incline Curl with Twist
2x10kg - 5, 5
2x12kg - 5, 5


Bench Press
75kg - 5, 5, 4, 3, 3
Dropset 60/40/20kg - 3/5/15

Cable Fly
20kg - 5
22.5kg - 5
27kg - 5, 4, 5
18kg - 6

Push Ups
BW - 4x20

Started to use the foam roller more as I have the some gnarly knots in my lats, the pain! :o
Interesting session today. Went to do squats early (9am) as I was possibly taking a class at 10am which involves a lot of legs so probably wouldn't have wanted to squat after.
And I really don't like exercising mornings, run out of energy really quickly.

Absolutely poop! Really bad!

120kg - 5, 2
100kg - 5, 3
80kg - 5, 5, 4

So I called it quits. Decided to train later after some more food.
And voila!

Squat (one of the bars is 18kg strangely)
78kg - 10
98kg - 10x10
5s Paused 58kg - 10, 10

38kg - 10, 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 8, 9, 6, 6, 5

Lateral Raise
2x6kg - 5x10
I did have breakfast at 5am and a shake pre-workout, but unless it's a full meal or something, my body just doesn't wake up properly/lacks any sustained energy before midday lol.

24th March:

Bench Press
55kg - 5x10

And one dropset of chest fly. And that's all I had time for. :(


Body's finally getting back into the swing of things.

100kg - 10
110kg - 5
120kg - 5x5

It was a dirty last rep, but made it back up.

47.5kg - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4
40kg - 4

Finally (almost) broke past the 45kg plateau! :) Really gutted I didn't hit that last rep though.

140kg - 4
120kg - 5, 3
100kg - 10, 5
26th March:

Seated Row
50kg - 3x5
55kg - 5, 5

Pull Ups
BW - 9, 9, 11, 9, 9

Preacher Curl
30kg - 5, 5, 5, 4, 4

27th March:

Bench Press
75kg - 5
70kg - 5
72.5kg - 3
70kg - 3x5
Dropset 60/40/20kg - 4/8/16


Felt pretty good today. Squats are so much easier not on a deficit!

110kg - 5
120kg - 7x5

35kg - 10x10

Lateral Raise
2x8kg - 3x7

Reverse Fly
2x8kg - 3x7

Got a video of my last set of squats, and actually the first video of me squatting (finally), or any of my lifting for that matter.
Obviously not my best being the 7th set, so not quite as deep as I usually go, and second rep wasn't great. Nevertheless, it was a good session!

I'll post it once it's uploaded.
29th March:

90kg - 3x10

Pull Ups
BW - 10, 10, 9, 5

Battle Ropes


Felt almost too easy! Although it shouldn't, it always surprises me after I've had a decent sleep.

122.5kg - 5x5
5s Paused 80kg - 5, 5

47.5kg - 7x5
40kg - 7, 6

And 10 minutes cycling at the end, all within 1 hour, including warm up sets! :o

And off to play badminton for the rest of the day now.
Hmmmmm... Those squats are different.

I think you need to sort your core bracing out as I think you're using your back and lats to try and stabilise your movement which is somewhat backwards.


- brace your core like you are fighting a battler: abz, back, lats and traps
- widen your stance a tad and pull your knees up and out on your descent

Knee travel forward is fine but your squats are not consistent in how they work and so some reps end up above parallel and others (like your first) plummet below, albeit not controlled.

Anyway - feel free to ignore, but I think a few changes and you will be pushing much heavier stuff...
Yeah, actually I did think something didn't look quite right once I had a watch, as my elbows rotate in which I didn't realise I did!

Would shoulder mobility be an issue here because I don't have the best range? It's something I'm working on though.

But yeah, I'll try and work on it. Thanks.
I think your shoulder thing is your way of 'bracing.'

No, your shoulder ROM doesn't look amazing... then again, most people have atrocious ROM, anyway. :) Work more on your bracing, tbh, as that will work wonders for your lifts.
31st March:

Bench Press
60kg - 5x10

Pull Ups
BW+5kg - 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5

1st April:

140kg - 5, 1
90kg - 5

Bahhhhh, I've been stuck on 140kg for ages now! :( Always get the first set in, then my back is just fried for any set after.
Any pointers or anything I can try to try push past it?


Little sleep. Knackered. But pushed myself to do something. Will be having a good sleep tonight though.

50kg - 2, 1
40kg - 7, 6, 5
30kg - 5x10

Seated Row
50kg - 5x7

Preacher Curl
25kg - 5x5
15kg - 4x10
Working on it! Just doing sets of 100kg to try and in-grain the movement.

I'm gonna test my 1RMs in a couple of weeks as I'm going away for 16 days after.
I've not actually moved much since my last 1RMs in December (~20kg over the 3 main lifts on my 5x5) mainly due to the mini-cut and not eating enough since being back on the bulk, but hopefully can put my 1RMs up 25-30kg over the 3.

3rd April:

Bench Press
75kg - 5, 5, 4
70kg - 3, 3

Chest Fly
2x14kg - 5x5

Push Ups
BW - 5x20

4th April:

100kg - 5x7

40kg - 10, 9, 8, 6, 7, 7, 6, 7

5th April

Deadlift (Hex Bar)
145kg - 5, 1
125kg - 10, 5, 5, 5

Pull Ups
BW - 3x7


100kg - 5x7
5s Paused 60kg - 5, 7

47.5kg - 5x5
35kg - 10, 8

Lateral Raise
2x10kg - 5x7

Reverse Fly
2x12kg - 5x7
7th April:

Bench Press
60kg - 5x10
Dropset 50/40/30/20kg - 10/10/20/30

Push Ups
BW - 20, 30, 30, 20, 20

8th April:

100kg - 10, 10, 5

47.5kg - 5x5
Dropset 30/20kg - 10

145kg - 3
140kg - 3, 4

Changing my deadlifts from 3x5 to 3x3, see how it goes. My back didn't hurt the next day so so far so good!


Bit of everything as I'm going away for the weekend and won't be in the gym until Tuesday.

Started with 20 minutes of ZUU at 7:30am :o, then 3 sets of an abs circuit (6 stations).
Then thought might as well do the rest of my workout instead of later.

Bench Press
72.5kg - 5x5
Dropset 60/40/20kg - 7/12/20

70kg - 5x10

30kg - 10, 10, 10, 9, 9

70kg - 3x10
Had a long 7 hour course on Monday which covered loads of stuff on Bulgarian Bags, Battle Ropes, TiYR, Plyo Boxes and Rip Trainer which was pretty much exercise after exercise the entire time, so had a good workout from that.
Then 3 hours badminton, so my shoulders were completely knackered at the end.
Anddd not surprisingly, I had shoulders DOMS for not just 1, but 2 days after, and I rarely get shoulder DOMS for even just one day. It was definitely mainly the work of the Bulgarian Bags.

That was the last time I trained, so done a little bit of everything again today.
Didn't think I'd be able to squat heavy as I took a class before I started but I was wrong! And it felt fairly easy!

120kg - 5, 5, 5
122.5kg - 5, 5

40kg - 7x7

Bench Press
70kg - 5, 5
50kg - 4x10

Lateral Raise
2x10kg - 4x5

Reverse Fly
2x10kg - 4x7

Chest Fly
2x10kg - 4x7

BW - 16, 16, 15, 15
18th April:

145kg - 5, 4, 3

Pull Ups
BW - 3x10


Bench Press
75kg - 5, 5, 3
70kg - 5, 5
Dropset 60/40/20kg - 7/12/30

Chest Fly
2x14kg - 5x5

Triceps Pushdown
30kg - 5x7

Testing 1RMs this Thursday and following Monday, so will report back in a week!
Hopefully with some good news! :)
Just another quick video for form check, with me not in the catchers so I can go that little bit deeper. Squeezing my core a lot more and it feels more stable. Looks alright?

looks a huge amount better than before, but you are still getting a big load of lumbar flexion throughout the movement which i snot good.

You could look at altering your stance a bit because it currently seems very narrow, or doing something more with your knees (pushing them out).

Your form also varies between the reps, also suggesting you have to find a pattern and then just beat it into your brain until it sticks.
Naww, I thought it was good haha. My feet are about shoulder width atm, but I'll have a play with feet positioning after my 1RM on Thursday. Probably don't want to be experimenting on the day!
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