RCT3 Demo

w00tage, need something to do, thanks very much

eurgh, half an hour to dl

ha, its not half bad.......needs quite a decent system to run well

i mean, i put on 2xAA and 8xAF at 1280*960 extreme settings and my compy didnt really like it...down to 20fps....

but the game looks really good, its one to consider
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Just played it.

Graphics are amazing, Fully 3d with a zoom that seems to go on forever. I like the fact that we can now watch our custom Rollercoasters in a First Person view.

Another addition I like is the ability to select a Custom music file to be played on a particular ride.

I also like the GUI of the game, its a lot different to the past games but everything seems so smooth and constant and it makes you remember where evertying is placed on the screen.

Release date of Novermber the 2nd so cannot wait, plus my dad will love it aswell.

Highly recommend other people to download it.

its a shame it only lasts 45 minutes.......id only just reconsidered their rollercoaster which while fantastic.......is hardly used and cost me 130$ instead of making me money.....so id just built a new one and it was time up........didnt even get to tycoon objectives
wow just played this...its amazing!
graphics are so good its untrue, its the little things you notice, like the water effects. I had built loads of rides, just saw the water in a lake as i was moving across the screen , and saw the rides i had built reflected in it. looks great.
Cant wait for this game now.
cool, downloading now, i tried the game at gamestars but it was so buggy i couldnt play it properly :( although i think it was just my machine as it wasnt originally running it as all the rct3 stations were being used so i found an machine that had top spin on it, exited that and loaded rct3, although couldnt play much of it cos of the bugs
Don't like the cartoony GUI and building a coaster seems a lot more fiddly than before, love the level of detail though, it looks great.
Excellent game, im glad they havent managed to lose the character of the previous games. Shame that 1280x960 isnt a native resolution on my tft - looks a little odd.

Apart from that............I'm off to pre-order it. £17.99 i believe.
Ahh man its out at a similar time to GTA and NBA Live.....gotta make a choice, or the end of this month is gonna be an expensive time for me :rolleyes:
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