Re-heating "curry".

I've never gotten food poisoning from reheated rice, and there've been times when rice has sat on the counter overnight (under cling film) before going in the fridge for a week until getting reheated and eaten.

No problems so far!
Is it safe to re-heat and eat chicken tikka masala + rice that's only 6 hours old?!
I've put it in microwave for about a minute til it was warm, and then ate it.

When will the food poisoning come? :D

I reheated a curry that had been sat on the kitchen counter covered with another plate for 24 hours last night.

Tasted great. Feel fine.

People need to MTFU with this kinda thing. Like eating an apple with a few bruises, OH NOES IT'S BROWN!!
What's wrong with you guys, eat it, or heat it up and eat.
Don't be a little girls blouse.
The odds of getting food poisoning from it are minute.

People have no knowledge and are over scared these days. I regulay leave chilis, Currys, lasagnes on the stove top for several days unfregirated. Never had food poisoning.
It's like people who insit you must put ketchup in the fridge as the bottle says. Despite millions of us don't and are fine.
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lol i nver knew this info about rice

been eating rice since i can remember and most of the time our rice is left at the rice cooker for 2-4 days

we just add in water and pop it in the microwave as long as it still smells good
In a true scientific sense, even though you will probably feel ok, you still don't know what damage your doing to your body from potential bacteria, viruses, pathogens on the food etc. I guess it will all add up to health effects somewhere down the line in one way or another.

In my grans day, they were ultra careful of cleanliness and food hygiene, very aware of it, they generally lived longer back then and were healthier. So although people here are saying 'man up' you'll be fine you and you will probably feel ok, you don't know what underlying effects are happening to your body for the longer term. All adds up.
In a true scientific sense, even though you will probably feel ok, you still don't know what damage your doing to your body from potential bacteria, viruses, pathogens on the food etc. I guess it will all add up to health effects somewhere down the line in one way or another.

Uh, ok.

In my grans day, they were ultra careful of cleanliness and food hygiene, very aware of it,


they generally lived longer back then and were healthier.


So although people here are saying 'man up' you'll be fine you and you will probably feel ok, you don't know what underlying effects are happening to your body for the longer term. All adds up.

It certainly does all add up.
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