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Re-Install Operating System needed when changing CPU?

16 Aug 2003
Newcastle [UK]
Just a quick question really to double check that there is no need to have a fresh reformat.

Going to change my AMD 64 3300+ soon for a AMD 64 x2 4800+ and just checking this is alright to do without the need to reformat and re-install windows or anything else I may of overlooked which I should do?

In the past I have always changed my MoBo at the same time so know you do need to do so for that. But am thinking there is no need if it is just the CPU that is changing?

Also anything else I should be aware of when changing my CPU?

Cheers peeps for ya help!
16 Aug 2003
Newcastle [UK]
swanseajack said:
Oh and make sure your bios supports dual core before you pop it in, forgot about that bit.

Thank you so much I never thought about that.

I have a MSI Neo2 RD480 and will have to check the BIOS version and have a check if it does...... jeez I hope it does as I've paid for the CPU now and never thought about checking my MoBo... God I can be so friggin dumb at times!
8 Jun 2003
xe-cute said:
{snip} jeez I hope it does as I've paid for the CPU now and never thought about checking my MoBo... God I can be so friggin dumb at times!
Older Socket 939 mobos just require a (free) BIOS update to support X2 chips :)

Did not immediately format my system when I (recently) moved to X2, but after awhile I decided to because of weird system problems :confused: In your case, everything might run smoothly but just make sure you have...
26 Jan 2005
Let me know how you get on mate.
Ive just tried doing the same upgrade on the same board and its been a nightmare. If it works, would you mind telling me how it went, what you did, and what sort of information your getting in BIOS/CPU-Z.

Many thanks :)
24 Nov 2002
Abertawe, Cymru.
If you get freezing within windows after installing all the drivers etc it's most prob the AMD OPT driver, just uninstall it and it should run fine.


^^ If thats your board then looks like you just need the latest bios, should run fine then, remember after you flashed it that all settings are set to default again.
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21 Jun 2004
Going from 1 -> 2 is fine (did it yesterday AMD 3200 to C2D) by putting a friends HD in my PC. Going the other way resulted in the computer crashing while loading windows, but it was fixed completely by a system restore made before i moved the HD.
16 Jul 2006
Jersey, Channel Islands
Duke said:
You do not need to re-install the OS after changing a CPU :)

Went from a X6800 to a QX6700 and I had to re-install.
Tried fixing the boot.ini or repairing, didn't like it one bit.

Ofcourse, I've swapped others out in the past all fine.

So yes, in some rare cases you DO have to re-install the OS, not always..
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2003
ChrisJSY said:
Went from a X6800 to a QX6700 and I had to re-install.
Tried fixing the boot.ini or repairing, didn't like it one bit.

Ofcourse, I've swapped others out in the past all fine.

So yes, in some rare cases you DO have to re-install the OS, not always..
Strange.. first time I've seen that :)
16 Aug 2003
Newcastle [UK]
hp7909 said:
Older Socket 939 mobos just require a (free) BIOS update to support X2 chips :)

Did not immediately format my system when I (recently) moved to X2, but after awhile I decided to because of weird system problems :confused: In your case, everything might run smoothly but just make sure you have...

Thankyou so much for this list. BTW I know it is a dumb question but do I install these before or after the switch (I'm guessing before)?

deathwalker666 - I'll let you know how I get on and will post back in this thread if I don't break my MoBo somehow or the chip, hehe.

swanseajack - Thanks for that Info.

I'm still also undecided which comparison and speed tests etc I should run before switching the CPU and after to get an idea of the improvement made. I usualy forget to run any tests and just have to judge by performance upon using it but would this time like to get a better idea of before and after with figures seeing as I only bought a CPU this time and it costing me quite a bit.

Going to use the stock cooling from my 3000+ (Yeah I thought I had a 3200+ but must have imagined that) so I hope that heatsink and fan will be alright until I can get maybe a betetr one. Also not too sure wether to apply the AS5 as a blob, two blobs or a line on it.
8 Jun 2003
xe-cute said:
Thankyou so much for this list. BTW I know it is a dumb question but do I install these before or after the switch (I'm guessing before)?{snip}
NO! After!! Don't think they'd even install before especially the AMD Dual-Core Optimizer :cool:
xe-cute said:
{snip}Going to use the stock cooling from my 3000+ (Yeah I thought I had a 3200+ but must have imagined that) so I hope that heatsink and fan will be alright until I can get maybe a betetr one. Also not too sure wether to apply the AS5 as a blob, two blobs or a line on it.
As in HSF that came with Retail 3000+? Don't think that will be adequate! X2 chips come with stock cooler with heatpipes (see here) so I'm guessing something without will not cope :(
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16 Aug 2003
Newcastle [UK]
hp7909 said:
As in HSF that came with Retail 3000+? Don't think that will be adequate! X2 chips come with stock cooler with heatpipes (see here) so I'm guessing something without will not cope :(

Glad I asked again, I started a thread and only got one reply saying it would be alright so thought it was a dumb question and took it as gospel.

Thanks for your help again, Looks like I'll have to buy one from OcUk as its OEM the chip I have. May aswell order a 12cm casefan too while I'm at it.. Problem is I need both the CPU and case fan to be as quiet as possible (can probabaly spend around £50 if need be for both) as I use my computer mainly for music production and am fed up of the noise from it but can't afford any liquid type cooling system.

hmmmm... what to buy.. so much choice, DO I just go off the noise level ratings for the fans? BTW I won't be overclocking (too much to loose if it goes wrong).

I'm even in two minds wether I should have bought this chip now as it cost me £209.99 and I hear maybe FX60 might be out soon for £200? Might end up just selling this chip on if that is going to be true... Whatever chip I keep it will have to be socket 939 and the best I can get for £200ish. Also I didn't even realise there was socket 939 AMD Operatons which may get more out of than an AMD 64 x2 4800+?

Anyway I've gone off on one and typed too much, My mind is all over the place atm.

Cheers again for your help, apreciated it as none of my m8s are into computers at all :eek: so I only have these forums to read.

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