Reading Festival 2007

I'm not one of the 'slate the lineup' crowd, but I'm kinda glad it sold out fast.. there is nobody there that I'd break my neck to see :o
What he said ^

There's about 12 of us all going so it should be a great weekend. I wated to go to a festival in Aug and Leeds is MUCH better than V imo. Lineups are similar but it's just a better/longer festival imo.
I agree the lineup isn't the strongest, but like most I just fancy having a nice weekend with some good tunes. Have seen quite a few of those bands in the lsat 6 months, and apart from Bloc Party, haven't been disappointed :)
Disappointed with Bloc? Christ I thought they were amazing personally. Also got into their new album more after hearing it live :)
Saturday is so good imo. Chillis (bit meh), Arcade Fire, Bloc Party, Panic, A&A, Scientists :eek: So good!

Enter Shikari and Klaxons are also great. Fall Out Boy have a few nice things going on.

Looking forward to the full lineup though.
Not really anyone there I'm particularly interested in seeing. I do like Chilis and lostprophets but I've already seen them both.
TripleT said:
Disappointed with Bloc? Christ I thought they were amazing personally. Also got into their new album more after hearing it live :)

The sound wasn't very good at the gig tbh, far too echoey, plenty of other bands were fine just them it was bad for :(
Lil old me said:
hmmm not looking good....they said wait 3 hours at least. heres hoping.

Still waiting on my confirmation emails myself...

I've booked weekend tickets, early entry and parking and no confirmations have arrived so here's hoping!
thelankymatt said:
Still waiting on my confirmation emails myself...

I've booked weekend tickets, early entry and parking and no confirmations have arrived so here's hoping!

After some investigation on the reading forums I found this link..

which allows you to see if your order is in the system. There is also a phone number 0870 060 3777 who will also confirm your order. I did both just to be sure, told me my email was being re sent and it would take a couple of minutes, 2 hours later it still hasnt come, might ring again later. Or come to my senses and stop being paranoid!
I think something must be up with the system, none of my mates have managed to get an email confirmation through yet either.

Luckily I got one after completely forgetting about it, as my mate assumed I would want one and got it anyway.

I'm one of the mentality that will enjoy it for the atmosphere of being at a festival and camping as much as the music itself, though for me it actually looks quite good - particularly with the Smashing Pumpkins headlining on Sunday... very cool. :cool:
For those that don't have tickets keep checking seetickets every 20mins, numerous times throughout the day they have released small batches of tickets.

An yeah I'm well up for an OcUK meet.
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