Realising Obvious Things (that Blow Your Mind)

Obviously these are from a long time ago but I remember being shocked when I realised 'strip-tease' and the news being new items of information rather than the 'olds'
In orbit around the earth (or any other celestial body) you experience a very large percentage of the gravity you would be subject to at sea level/ the surface of the body. You just feel weightless as you are constantly falling towards the earth/ body.

Its for this reason that rockets have to go 'sidewards' after they have propelled themselves directly away from the earth in their earlier stages.

But if you had a ladder going up into space, could you climb it? ;)
I've know this for a long time but I did smile when I realised that the name Esso comes from S.O. when Standard Oil was broken up by regulators into several smaller companies.

I never really thought about it much, until I thought about it, if thats makes sense.

I mean the science behind it isn't particularly difficult, but I wonder how many people go through life just thinking this is a thing, without really understanding why.
You wouldn't believe the number of customers who tell me the magnets have failed on the seal because the doors to easy to open!
Er no you've filled it full of food there's less air space!
Oh I have another one, which I revealed to the world (my class) when I was in maybe year 10 of school.

Several does NOT mean seven.

The laughter haunts me to this day :o
I've know this for a long time but I did smile when I realised that the name Esso comes from S.O. when Standard Oil was broken up by regulators into several smaller companies.
Similarly for those that remember, Q8 petrol is from Kuwait.
Rats and mice are used as a model animal in Science experiments as (apart from being cheap) they are closely related to Humans genetically.
Rodents are the next most closely related major clade to us Great Apes, at least when you remove other animals which are illegal to experiment on, such as other Great Apes or Monkeys.

As soon as I learn that I could immediately start seeing the rattyness in my fellow persons.
But if you had a ladder going up into space, could you climb it? ;)
Yes, but without some serious thinking about it, I don't know at what point you could let go without falling to earth other than at geosynchronous orbit. It would be the hieght where you're radial velocity exceeded 17,000 mph I suppose but that may not take into account the arc of your orbit which might coinicde with the atmosphere. I could probably do the maths if I had the time and inclination. But you're definitely ok at geo orbit height.
I've know this for a long time but I did smile when I realised that the name Esso comes from S.O. when Standard Oil was broken up by regulators into several smaller companies.

Known that one for years, my old man drove a tanker for Esso, before switching to Gulf Oil.

I always thought the Fairy liquid advert was "Now hands that Du-dish-us" Could never understand it.

My old man again, “Jean, give me a sentence with judicious in it.”
Me, very young, “You’re kidding right dad?”
My old man, “Hands that judicious can be soft as your face, with mild green Fairy Liquid.”
Not in the "obvious" category per se, but it blew my mind recently when I found out John Peel wasn't John Peel that was his professional name!

His real name was John Ravenscroft, hence his son on R6 is Tom Ravenscroft - which is how I found out.
Wait what!? :eek:
I remembered one. Maybe it's not obvious but it kind of seemed it once I learnt it.

If you're wondering what side of the car the petrol tank is filled from, take a look at the fuel pump icon on your dashboard. It should have an arrow that points to the side where you can fill from to save you from stretching the (sometimes too short) hose over your car.

My current car (mk2 Octavia) doesn't seem to have an arrow, which was fun the first time I went to fill it up :p

also, as more an observation than any statement of fact (there's always an exception), on single exhaust cars it seems to always be the opposite side to the exhaust.

which in fairness does make sense to keep the hot thing away from the burney thing (apologies for the technical jargon)

I always thought they were usually positioned to the middle of the road side, e.g. to reduce the amount of exhaust blasted directly towards pedestrians
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