Realising Obvious Things (that Blow Your Mind)

But does it? Nothing is infinite...
It could be if we are in a simulation and the map is procedurally generated.

If our ability to improve computing power increases sufficiently then we would eventually be able to simulate a universe. If that happens then the chances of us already being in a simulation increase considerably. I've always wondered whether Pi seemingly going on forever (if it does) may indicate we are in a simulation, either because that value is itself procedurally generated or because it is inherently inaccurate similar to floating point numbers.
The older forummers may remember a Rice Krispies advert from the early 90s (with voice-over by Craig Charles) where they pointed out that Rice Krispies are in fact made of rice. That has been crisped. Ended with him saying "what on earth did you think they were made of?".

I'm suitably embarrassed to admit that I didn't actually know this, despite it being literally in the name. In my defence I was a lot younger then. I think I just assumed that anything nice was probably constructed from hog anus and chicken beaks mushed together.
Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy said:
Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mindbogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.
Footage is called such as it used to be measured in feet (of film).

Assume it's true, sounds plausible.
Of course it's true. a lot of terms come from film, like 'cutting' a movie is because ya know, back in the day they physically cut the film :) This may be of interest to you if you're a film nerd; (the bane of my last job).

FWIW you'd know back in the day that you could never shoot a 'one-take' longer than approx 10mins on 35mm because the most a film camera could load was 1000ft of film which equates to roughly 10mins of footage depending on perf setup and fps.
Realising that space goes on forever always gets me. Just impossible to comprehend.

Trying to visualise it is a much more alien concept, is it a sphere ? is it on a plane ? is it contained in some other weird shape ? It's like trying to visualise things on the atomic level, where everything is in some weird quantum cloud type thing
But if the universe is expanding, it must be finite?

how could it expand if it was already infinite? thought we already knew the size of the "universe"?

in order for there to be expansion, there must be a limit that is increasing in order for it to be expanding.

wether or not that limit is something that could ever viably be reached, and what lies beyond is a question nobody in our lifetime (or possible the entire human species) will ever know.

unless we're being pedantic and including whatever the "universe" is expanding into as also part of the universe.

and now i'm confused :P
The universe is actually expanding faster than the speed of light. If it continues expanding at this rate then eventually the sky will go dark.
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