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Reality check, are AMD just as bad as Nvidia.

The 4090 doesn't get flamed as much for being a ripoff. Do people think it's worth £1500? Or that its just not as overpriced as the others?
I don't mind Nvidia pricing a halo card at silly prices, let them have a very high margin part as a halo product, that's fine. and it is over 60% faster than the 3090 at only 7% more money.

Please give it a go and share your results!

Yeah i'm not spending the value of a 4090 on the equipment to turn my 2070S in to a 16GB card and i doubt the oven trick would work :D
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I'm surprised the thread hasn't been axed!

But on topic AMD are perhaps slightly better but not good. The XT is more reasonable now with the price drops but is still more expensive than the 6800 XT with what I'd deem a small generational leap.

The 980 Ti to the 1080 Ti, that is the kind of leap that I'd like but doubt we'll see again at the high end in terms of launch price/performance.

Meh... nothing wrong with a bit of fun. :)

The is 7900XT 34% faster than the 6800XT at 15% more expensive with its new $750 price, that's still not good, but also much better than almost all of Nvidia's stuff.

The one thing with that is the 7800XT is very unlikely to be more expensive that the 6800XT was at $650, Actually given the 4070 is $600 its likely to be $550 at most and a 60 CU 7800 between $450 and $500, that would make the 4060Ti 16GB at $500 look absolutely ridiculous given the 7800 is likely to be very much faster.....

Again the 4060 series is just stupid, IMO that was Nvidia's biggest mistake being that greedy with such a crap card.
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Make no sense selling cheaper as if the competition keep raising prices like Nvidia kept doing to give the extra shiny tax well then the market is what it is.
That alongside wafer costs, design cost, production cost, transport cost etc...

anyhow really happy with the 6700xt running 4k and playing games

On the one hand i think this is the perfect opportunity for AMD to grab marketshare, on the other i'm thinking pretty much no matter what AMD do it wont make the blindest bit of difference because AMD don't have DLSS.
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I think a lot of people would buy for pure raster performance without DLSS if they felt they were being compensated by a lot price difference between the AMD card and Nvidia. All that lost extra for only a 10% price difference still favours Nvidia really. The only thing they have to counter offer with is more vRAM.

The 7900XTX is 5% faster in raster vs the 4080 and the 4080 is 26% more expensive brand for brand.

In raster that's a 30% price to performance difference.

Asus GeForce RTX 4080 TUF 16GB: £1259

Asus Radeon RX 7900XTX TUF OC 24GB: £999

People like HUB lump the 7900XTX in exactly the same place as the 4080, despite it being slightly faster in raster and very much cheaper, in fact when you listen to to the way they talk about this its as if they blame AMD for Nvidia's high prices because AMD are in their words not doing enough to make Nvidia cheaper, this with a 30% price to performance difference.

This is because they are completely bought in to DLSS, they have said themselves DLSS commands a premium, and clearly that premium to them is more than 30%, they are making an impossible ask of AMD, and they know it, that's the point, so they can always say its AMD fault.
I don't know what their wired game is, have you seen their last few videos? One had nothing to do with GPU's and yet he was waving a 4080 around, just randomly, weirdly waving it around, another one, the last one i think he was waving a 4090 around, again just weirdly dropping it in to the conversation over and over again, wierdly quibing "you should buy this, only joking, but really its an incredible GPU" in about 13 different ways.

All the while he claims to be a man of the people, whatever that means...
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The gap is smaller (13%) cheapest for cheapest between the XTX and 4080, currently £975 Vs £1100 on overclockers.

So its near a 20% price to performance difference, that doesn't make the AMD card over priced by comparison does it?

What is the value of DLSS over AMD? If that's the question then there is your reason for an £1100 ##80 class card.
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Considering the advantage of DLSS 2+3, RT, lower power consumption (could save you the cost of a new PSU + the large gap in older / simpler games), for sure 4080 makes a lot of sense.

If the vRAM will end up being a problem on the 4080... well, will be funny since there were plenty of "go with 6800/xt or 6900xt/6960xt since it has 16GB vRAM" in the read team :D

It needs to be said again.

The 7900XTX is 50% faster than the card its replaced (6900XT) for the same money, that's a +50% price to performance ratio increase, anyone point to me where we have had it better than that, anyone?

The 4080 is 48% faster than the card its replaced (3080) but also 86% more expensive, that's a -38% price to performance ratio. 38% value on DLSS, there it is.

That is because Nvidia know the value their fans put on DLSS, if that's you, Steve Walton, no not if, it is you, its no good winging AMD aren't doing enough, they will not and cannot do anything about the stupidity of the people who not only put this value on DLSS but then also make sure anything possibly done to make Nvidia understand that is. you are the problem.
Oh and AMD blocking DLSS...mmmm'GOOD! i hope AMD block it in every single subsequent AAA title between now and infinity, go cry about it Steve, loser.

-A decade long Nvidia user.
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How much those worth is up to each buyer. Also worth mentioning that one thing is 50 pounds at a 300 pounds price or 50 pounds at 1000+ pounds. And yes, both cards are priced silly.

1stly, you're comparing 7900xtx to poorly priced card from last gen (6900xt), same mistake people do when comparing 4090 to the 3090. It just reinforces a higher price level in one gen.

2ndly, applying your logic, 4090 is a bit less than 7% more expensive than 3090, while offering 66% more performance (maybe more, depends if that is the testing with 5800x or a better CPU), so there, a better price to performance ration increase that your 50% from 7900xtx (47% actually, as per TPU, but the same basically). Still terrible after all, but hey...

3rdly, this gen, a 90xt class card from AMD is only able to be about as fast as a x80 class card from nvidia. Since they're similar in raster and nvidia is faster/better in all the rest, yeah, that 13% difference in price could be easily seen as worth it for the green team.

4thly, being happy and wishing AMD to block nvidia's tech doesn't make you any better than a guy celebrating the same from the nvidia side. Don't be bitter, be better!

Not Steve Walton.

1stly, you're comparing 7900xtx to poorly priced card from last gen (6900xt), same mistake people do when comparing 4090 to the 3090. It just reinforces a higher price level in one gen.

What should i compare it to? the 3090Ti?? there will be a 4090Ti and that will be £2000 or more just as the 3090Ti was.

2ndly, applying your logic, 4090 is a bit less than 7% more expensive than 3090, while offering 66% more performance (maybe more, depends if that is the testing with 5800x or a better CPU), so there, a better price to performance ration increase that your 50% from 7900xtx (47% actually, as per TPU, but the same basically). Still terrible after all, but hey...
You think the ##90 class card is grossly over priced? just slightly less so now? Yes so do i but i don't see how that should ignore the 86% price increase for the ##80 class card.

3rdly, this gen, a 90xt class card from AMD is only able to be about as fast as a x80 class card from nvidia. Since they're similar in raster and nvidia is faster/better in all the rest, yeah

Actually the 6800XT was 95% the performance of the 3080, the 6900XT was 5% faster, the 3090 was also only about 10% faster than the 3080, the difference was the 6800XT was $649, the 3080 $699, the 6900XT $999 and the 3090 $1499, and all in with in a 15% range.
Now the 4080 is has been brought up in price to make it more expensive than the 7900XTX while still being the same amount slower.
You can't get away from it, Nvidia pushed the price of the ##80 class card up by 86%.

that 13% difference in price could be easily seen as worth it for the green team.

For a slower card, Ok sure, again make sure Nvidia know that before they release the 406..... oh wait its too late.

4thly, being happy and wishing AMD to block nvidia's tech doesn't make you any better than a guy celebrating the same from the nvidia side. Don't be bitter, be better!

I don't believe in poorer image quality software to make up the performance in slower hardware.
Nvidia are using DLSS to increase the margins of the GPU by making the physical GPU cheaper and slower than it should be and then telling its user base to make up the lost performance with lower image quality software.
Because that's what Nvidia are doing yes IMO DLSS cannot die soon enough.
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Probably some of these websites are scared they will cut off from Nvidia review samples,after their negative reviews of recent releases like the RTX4060 and RTX4060TI. AMD mostly avoided this by barely releasing anything new! :cry:

With the PC market crashing,I expect views and hence ad revenues are down. People forget review sites and channels are businesses too.

So to appear to not be 100% negative on Nvidia,they have an incentive to also throw shade on AMD too,and get some more clicks too. This will be fixed when AMD gives them more exclusive interviews(have you not noticed a few of these popping up recently?) or gives them more sponsorships. Suddenly they will all be friends with AMD again! :D

We have to take Nvidia on, once we pull our collective face holes from Jenson's crotch, its not AMD's job to save us from Nvidia, we have to save ourselves.

AMD may just give up, again.
I have a 2070 Super, i paid £440 for it, its more than 3 years old, it was released 4 years ago, almost to the day.

I'm looking for a worthwhile 16GB replacement with AV1 encode / decode for around the same money, 4 years and 2 generations later there must be something, any takers?
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I have a 2070 Super, i paid £440 for it, its more than 3 years old, it was released 4 years ago, almost to the day.

I'm looking for a worthwhile 16GB replacement with AV1 encode / decode for around the same money, 4 years and 2 generations later there must be something, any takers?

At this point Nvidia have released or announced their entire range, and you've all got nothing.

Is no one going to stick their head up and suggest i use DLSS? No, you're not.
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4070 + DLSS? ;⁠-⁠)

lol ;)

The 4070 is the least worst of a bad bunch, its not a bad card, 12GB, 192Bit Bus, not great, not bad, just meh, not like the 4060 range with its 128Bit Bus just shouldn't be that even if its 16GB, i'm going to contradict myself, there is no such thing as a bad GPU, the 4060 series is also not a bad GPU, i want to say its a bad GPU, but i can't, its just branded wrong and way too expensive for what is it, a ##50 class card.

The 4070 is actually the 4060Ti, and if it was 4060Ti (£400 to £500 range) money it would be in contention, but it isn't, its £600+.
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The 2080 is a hair faster than my 2070 Super, so on this chart £400 for a not single fan version its 10% cheaper than what my card was for 25% more performance at 1440P, not completely #### in isolation, but its 2 generations newer and only 8GB, the 16GB version will be near £500.

12GB is the absolute minimum i'm willing to go to, i think at this point most of us can agree that certainly at 1440P 12GB is the absolute minimum, 16GB is better. IMO in time the 4060Ti will get ever worse not just for its 8GB, if we are talking about the 8GB one, but also the memory bandwidth, its 288GB/s, i haven't seen that sort of memory bandwidth on a GPU since my GTX 970 (2014) that's a problem for it now and it will only get worse, my 2070S has a memory bandwidth of 448GB/s, the 4070 is 504GB/s, 12% higher.

In the £400 to £500 range the 4060Ti, in 16GB and certainly 8GB configuration does not appeal to 2070/Super owners, nor does the 4070, its 60% faster, but also 35% more expensive, and the memory configuration on it is very bare minimum. one of these is meant to target those 2070/S owners, like me, because they are even wrose when compared to the 30 series, in the case of the 4060Ti its at best no better than the 3060Ti.

Fed up with both of them. If Starfield runs OK on my current card,I might just try and hold on with it. We finally are getting some information about the RX7700XT:

I really hope it is 54 CUs not 48 CUs,because at least that will be 30% faster than an RX6700XT/RTX3060TI. But with the RTX4060TI being so rubbish,I expect it might be 48 CU! :(

The 48 CU one would put it 30% faster than the 6700XT, that would make it about 90% the performance of the 6800XT or RTX 4070, or a few % faster than the RX 6800.

The 7900XTX was priced in line with the 6900XT, $999
The 7900XT was way over priced at $899 but has now been officially reduced to $749
The 7600 was priced 22% lower than the 6600 while being 27% faster at $269

Whatever comes next must be priced lower than $749.

7800XT: $649?
7800: $579?
7700XT $479?

Those 3 prices are the same as the previous gen they are replacing.

IMO from that slide the 60 CU one is the RX 7800.
The 70 CU one the RX 7800XT.

UK price if current exchange rates hold:

7800XT: £595
7800: £462
7700XT: £439
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