Very Nice,Well one delivery arrived today, The mainboard.
The CPU is in focus in the second photo, it's just the light isn't falling in the right way for the laser etching to be visible. A more oblique angle or changing the lighting angle helps to bring it out.Plan today, fit mainboard, ram, cpu and the very small water block.
In the mean time, me learning to use a camera. Cant get the cpu in focus.
Thanks, will try that in the future.The CPU is in focus in the second photo, it's just the light isn't falling in the right way for the laser etching to be visible. A more oblique angle or changing the lighting angle helps to bring it out.
8 hours well spent! Looks great. What coolant are you going to use?8 hours or so later. and 4 metres of pipe abused.
Need some sleep. 4am now.