Recent Events in Japan - Earthquake + Air-Crash

20 Sep 2005
West End, Southampton

Tsunami warning issued 34 minutes ago, due to a 7.5M earthquake. The JMA have issued major warnings, the last time I can remember there being a major warning was the 2011 earthquake. Waves of over 5 metres expected in some areas, this isn't going to be pretty :(
Just said to my wife yesterday it’s been a while since we’ve had a big natural disaster around this time of year.

Hopefully it’s not as serious as it sounds :(

It’s getting dark there now so this could get really ugly if massive waves hit.

USGS has the depth at 10km.
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First wave looks fairly small(1.2m), but they just said on the news they are expecting more waves 3-5m high.

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Sounds terrifying.

I had reoccurring nightmares as a child of large waves arriving on shore and not being able to get off a beach to escape them. The reality is much worse of course.

… it’s macabre to have an interest in natural disasters, but I do find tsunamis particularly fascinating - probably because they are so surreal.
For them to issue a major tsunami warning is very rare, so they're clearly expecting a lot of damage.

It registered the highest intensity (7) on the Japanese scale, which again is very rare to see.

I thought it's 7.5 richter? 2011 tsunami was a 9?

Anyway it's been 1 hour since the quake and doesn't look like much tsunami eventuated. Still some damage to roads and buildings from the intense shaking though
I thought it's 7.5 richter? 2011 tsunami was a 9?

Anyway it's been 1 hour since the quake and doesn't look like much tsunami eventuated. Still some damage to roads and buildings from the intense shaking though
The intensity scale Japan uses is different to the Richter scale, it only goes up to 7 which is the maximum intensity.

It's almost like you're disappointed that there isn't widespread destruction and death.
7.5 shouldn't be as bad unless it was very shallow

I thought it's 7.5 richter? 2011 tsunami was a 9?

Anyway it's been 1 hour since the quake and doesn't look like much tsunami eventuated. Still some damage to roads and buildings from the intense shaking though

Forgive us if we listen to Japan's earthquake/tsunami experts more than your armchair ramblings :cry:

Of course, if you do have actual credentials in this area and let us know, then we may give your opinion some credence.
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Many lighter construction buildings have been reported to have collapsed with many trapped and 5m has been reported to have reached land, with other reports saying more waves are following what had already hit land.

Warnings more waves could hit, with fires breaking out.
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