Recommend me a game...

23 Oct 2005
Right guys...some late nights are occuring lately, with nothing to fill them in, gone through the film im turning to games...

I need something that is going to scare the pants off me at 4am, so that I wake up the neighbours screaming haha....

The problem is, im not big on fps...Im just not a fan *hides* anything aside from that is a go-er...

What do you reckon?
Sport would be really un-entertaining for me unfortunately...

I know its tough ruling out FPS...I tried Fear, but to be honest, I was concentrating to hard on playing to be scared...

But there must be something out and about...

I mean, maybe something aimed towards the resi evil line...Heard something about a game called 'Alone in the dak'?
Alone in the Dark is a little old now.

Fahrenheit is a superb cinematic game, quite linear, but it's really entertaining and incredibly well made.

Something to scare the pants off you?... System Shock 2, little old, but I find it very scary. It's an RPG from the FPS perspective, but it's a great game non the less.

If you want Story + Atmosphere, go for Knights of the Old Republic, Mafia, and Deus Ex.
Will age of empires really scare the pants off me???

I loved Fahrenheit...saw the trailer for the new game from the company a week or so back, the idea for the trailer was superb...I cant remember the name of the game though...maybe something rain? youll all know im sure

But yeah, something along those lines would be cool...Shall try system shock 2
Manhunt and The Suffering are horror based games played from a third person perspective,opinions on these games seems to be quite varied but I enjoyed them.

Also Thief Deadly Shadows may have some of what you're looking for,it's a third person stealth type game which contains some very atmospheric levels and one absolutely classic, pant soiling one called the cradle.If you want scares then this game is worth buying for the cradle level alone,I can assure you if you play it alone at night and in the dark you'll feel extremely uneasy,5.1 sound is a must to get the full effect though.
That sounds more like it...5.1 all the way :)

so is it...Theif: Deadly Suffering?, or just theif deadly suffering (so I can avoid looking the idiot in game)

Ill check out manhunt and the suffering too...I think I remembering seeing manhunt and it looking a lil cheesy however...I could be wrong
Unromantic__Me said:
That sounds more like it...5.1 all the way :)

so is it...Theif: Deadly Suffering?, or just theif deadly suffering (so I can avoid looking the idiot in game)

Ill check out manhunt and the suffering too...I think I remembering seeing manhunt and it looking a lil cheesy however...I could be wrong

'Thief Deadly shadows',its the third thief game,the previous 2 also contained scary moments but were played from a first person perspective so they may not appeal to you as much as Deadly shadows.
smit101 said:
'Thief Deadly shadows',its the third thief game,the previous 2 also contained scary moments but were played from a first person perspective so they may not appeal to you as much as Deadly shadows.
For Thief purists, Thief can only be played in first person made - makes it even more scarier...

Probably better to get it online, if it is on the shelves it will probably be overpriced...

Can only recommend System Shock 2 - not that many really scary games on the PC really...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Unromantic__Me said:
Is it a fairly recent game...not that it matters...but will I find it in the high streets chains, or will I have to get online?

Yes,its a fairly recent game (2004) you should be able to pick it up on the high street,but I've seen it online at the usual places for around £10-15.
Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3 or Silent Hill 4 and the original SH if you can find it. These games instill a genuine feeling of dread when playing and can seriously make you jump at times. Also try playing SH3 with some quality headphones! ;)

Currently I'm playing Condemned: Criminal Origins and its probably one of the creepiest games I've played in a long time, the level of atmosphere and attention to detail is amazing to say the least. Its first person but isn't your standard point and shoot fps. Highly recommended! :eek:
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