Recommend me a game...

Unromantic__Me said:
I saw some screenshots of PREY yesterday, looked like exactly what im looking for...anyone know a release date for it?

Might go get the demo :)

Get it now! :D
Probably the last scary game I played was Condemned. Its an FPS but its pretty damned creepy and sounds awesome through a surround setup. Definately the kind of game you have to play late at night with the lights off.
any of the resident evil games if you can put up with the viewing angle & controls. Don't know where you stand on the pc / console front but RE4 was the best imho.

Silent hill is a bit of a winner.

I think Fahrenheit had some scary moments but its not a horror by any definition.

If you're going to play thief I'd have to recommend the second over the third (rope arrows anyone?).

Since Prey was mentioned I'll throw some FPS's in for good meassure.

AVP 1 & 2, although 2 is conciderably less dated.
Doom 3 - the sheer amount of crap yourself moments made this game too much for me (I will return to it though).
Alice - Old but creepy
Another vote for System Shock 2, scared the crap out of me and I'm not easily scared. :eek:

Bit old now but I would imagine it would still be awesome. I had to stop playing half way through to hide.
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