Recommend me an external HDD

29 Nov 2002
Midlands. UK
basically im looking for a large External HDD for backup of all my art stuff.. So textures models and things.

Needs to be: 200GB or more.
NO PSU - Self powered via USB prefferd (Firewire maybe)
Smaller the better

Not fussed on high speed etc
Price isnt an issue.

--- Thanks
Alpha178 said:
basically im looking for a large External HDD for backup of all my art stuff.. So textures models and things.

Needs to be: 200GB or more.
NO PSU - Self powered via USB prefferd (Firewire maybe)
Smaller the better

Not fussed on high speed etc
Price isnt an issue.

--- Thanks

I strongly doubt you'll find anything that suits those requirements - the only external drives that's powerable via the USB port afaik tends to be ones that use 2.5" laptop drives, and they only go up to about 160Gb or so max in size IIRC (until recently it was only 100GB IIRC) Bigger capacity drives are 3.5 inch drives and they require more power than a USB port can provide.
Ok thats seems fair enough.. I may go for the 120GB WD 2.5" inch model then Seems to come up quite highly in reviews and such.. Bit small but might be about to struggle with it.
Is there any reason why you cant have one with its own power supply? If it is a lack of sockets, surely a bit of money spent on a power strip would be worth it given you can get much larger HDDs

SiriusB said:
Is there any reason why you cant have one with its own power supply? If it is a lack of sockets, surely a bit of money spent on a power strip would be worth it given you can get much larger HDDs


Just convienice.. i dont want to lug the power adapter around for it as well.. Just want the device and 1 lead i can leave at home / work.
Alpha178 said:
Just convienice.. i dont want to lug the power adapter around for it as well.. Just want the device and 1 lead i can leave at home / work.

Yeah, it's a shame more PSU manafactures don't place a external molex connector on them like I think an antec model has. Then you could simply take a molex lead for power and jack it in! (I guess their worried about muppets shorting the lines out which come to think of it is a serious concern :p )

I simply just have a molex extension running out the back of the PC, that way I can get power from the PSU for my 3.5" Hd when I need to transfer files from my zombie rigs.
Alpha178 said:
Ok thats seems fair enough.. I may go for the 120GB WD 2.5" inch model then Seems to come up quite highly in reviews and such.. Bit small but might be about to struggle with it.
I just got a WD MyBook 250GB USB recently. I didn't search high and low for prices, but looked like USB MyBooks are quite good price wise. It's nice and quiet and the little circular LED on the front is classy looking. The 250GB is externally powered though... but WD externals seem to be very good.

The 2.5" model you mentioned is probably even quieter.

Come to think of maybe you could find better options regarding the power if you look at the separate HD enclosures... just a thought. Being a DIY'er I don't know why I didn't look into those more, oh well.
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