Recommend me some indie games?

19 Aug 2005
Beds, UK
Hi All

I now have my PC back at a desk for the first time in nearly 2 years, and a new 1440p monitor that I got for Christmas :)

But I have an old PC now, and no money to upgrade at the moment.

I have RAGE that I never got around to playing, hopefully I can get into that (although the new monitor may pose a problem, I had 1280x1024 when I bought that).

Please could you advise some bargain indie games I should play? I have Trine that I want to play at some point, but what else should I add to my list?

I don't get a lot of time to play, so I like games I can just pop in and out of. I played world of goo for far longer than I stuck with Bioshock 2, and Crysis 2 for that matter. I like games that are a bit different.

Specs are as follows:

Core 2 quad Q6600
6GB Ram (I think)
Windows 7
Nvidia 8800GT - I have HD6850 to replace this with.

What can you recommend?

Thanks guys
I have RAGE that I never got around to playing, hopefully I can get into that (although the new monitor may pose a problem, I had 1280x1024 when I bought that).

I just finished Rage and I really enjoyed it from start to finish. The textures are pretty bad but I am not a graphics freak so they never bothered me. It is a pretty short game though tbh, well saying that I clocked around 12 hours on it I think.
just been googling and seen the following that looked interesting... anyone played any of these?

Lumino City
Never alone
Thomas Was Alone is a pretty good pick up and play game. Then:

Secrets of Rætikon
Papa & Yo
Lovely Planet
Lifeless Planet
Grow Home
Aside from what has been mentioned:

Fez is excellent.
Brothers - A tale of two sons (one of the best games I have played)
Door Kickers
Super Meat Boy
The Swapper
*This War of Mine
The Stanley Parable
*The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
*Dying Light

The games asterisked I would consider Indie even though they look very polished
Thanks everyone... I have plenty to be getting on with. Ive watched a few videos online, and some of these indies look so interesting compared to the more obvious commercial titles, and considering they are usually a fraction of the cost, I'm much more likely to try them.

Its already been mentioned but Brothers is outstanding and well worth a look.
FTL (lot of life in this and you end up spending hours)
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