Recommend me some indie games?

Also check out Machinarium and Botanicula.
Another shout out for The Swapper which has already been mentioned as has Fez and Thomas was alone and Limbo !

140 is pretty fun
Element4l is a good platformer as well
Here's my recommendations. I've included the games already mentioned in the thread at the bottom of each section as a sort of +1

Games I have played and would recommend:
Kerbal Space Program (stretching the definition of indie slightly)
Papers Please
Prison Architect
FTL: Faster Than Light
The Stanley parable (get the demo too, its not the same content, but just as much fun)

Games I haven't played but want to get or look really good but aren't my sort of thing
Cities: Skylines
Hack 'n' Slash
Grow Home (technically not indie since its ubisoft, but has an indie feel to it and looks great)
Super Meat Boy
Prison architect
Project Zomboid
Kerbal space program
Papers please

The is a good few depends on taste in games.
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