Recommendation for a weekend of gaming?



15 Apr 2004
Got a free weekend coming up and fancy getting into a new game. It's most likely I will sink a load of time into it over a long weekend, and then not have much time to play it again (I normally just play Overwatch with mates when I have free time for gaming).

I'm thinking maybe a strategy game? Or an RPG?

Any recommendations?

Nothing horror/jumpy - not got the nerves for it!
Legend of Grimrock titles with/without mods?

Interesting suggestion - I'd never heard of these, but they do look good.

I've had The Witcher 3 on my wishlist for a long while - is that too ambitious for a weekend's gaming (i.e. is it too huge)?!
Interesting suggestion - I'd never heard of these, but they do look good.

I've had The Witcher 3 on my wishlist for a long while - is that too ambitious for a weekend's gaming (i.e. is it too huge)?!

I haven't got The Witcher 3 so I'm not a good source of information where that's concerned. It is an extremely popular title but it's also a very large game, IIRC.

If you like dungeon crawlers then the LOG games are a must, though they're not short games by any means. If you need help or suggestions where mods are concerned, I'll be happy to chip in. :)
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You could probably clear the two Dishonoured games in a weekend. Or, Bioshock infinite. Not strictly rpg titles, but still really good.
Maybe two shorter games?
I second Bioshock Infinite. Great setting, still looks good, plays nice and the plot is decent.

Devil May Cry might be worth a playthrough. It's a very competent slasher with creative level/enemy design and a great fighting system. On top of that, it's cheap as dirt and looks good.

There's also Shadow of Mordor, Life is Strange, Dishonored etc. Different genres but all are cheap, fun and can be cleared in a weekend.
Factorio. My brother introduced me to it early on Sunday evening. Next time i looked at the clock it was 4am! Thank god for bank holidays :p
wouldnt play fallout 4 or games of the same type like the divison. mad max etc, while it has missions, its a big open world and doesnt really have an ending, not that ive ever got that far, but i wouldnt say its one to sink in to for a weekend thats for sure.

battleborn if you like overwatch, but maybe not on pc as i hear the community bigger on console and i only had it on xbox once anyways for my own experience of that, titanfall 2 maybe? one of the wolfensteins?
Cheers for all the awesome suggestions chaps, much appreciated!

After reading loads of Steam reviews and watching video reviews, I think I am going to go with... 3D Sex Villa

j/k :p

I'm leaning towards BioShock infinity or Shadows or Mordor, both look awesome. I guess I'm looking for something that will be engrossing, but also relaxing to play, if that make sense?

Also really liked the look of Factorio! How fast is the gameplay? Is it relaxing? Or intense, like StarCraft 2?

Looking through my Steam list, I also have Beyond Earth, which I have never played. I've played loads of Civ in the past - is Beyond Earth good? I loved Alpha Centuri.
Mordor has a nice flow to it as you get into it. As you progress into the game its almost like you are dancing through enemies... if dancing with a giant sword counted as dancing.
Max Payne 3, looks gorgeous still and you can play through it a single weekend. Great game and can be had from key sites really cheap
Factorio is pretty relaxing, it's more about being thoughtful and planning in advance than chaotic micromanaging; getting your production lines running as smoothly & efficiently as possible.

Haven't had much interaction with the enemies yet, but so far it's been a case of setting up a few gun turrets behind a wall, make sure they have a steady stream of ammo, and forget about it :p
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