Red a dAIR 800D


You cant be serious ? overclocked to 3.9 and 15.C idle ? WOW
Hi little update watercooling still in planning going to cool the motherboard cpu and gpu in 1 loop had to put it on hold as i bought a car lol,anyhow ive just added a Crucial ssd C300 64gb as my boot drive and a little Seagate Barracuda 500gb for storage, need to get a new sata 6 cable with a right angle as cover over the hotswaps wont take straight connectors might spray the c300 black and red and place it in the case somewhere visable and fix with velcro or double sided tape anyhow did a little bench with the ssd and got this

im running windows 7 ultimate 64bit seems quick and responsive now i'll go do sum tests and report back when ive any updates.
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Har just had a thought im going to cover the back air vents with some red perspex,thanks for the comments.Infernox them temps are at idle i'll try and get some pics of other temps.I was also worried about the size of the cooler i had to transport the built system 200 miles in the car was going to take it off but left it on id lie it on its back if i did that again anyhow it transported okay.
What are the fans like noise wise? They seem very noisy on paper, but what about real life on a fan controller? For example how audible are they running at 1000RPM?
Hi tanks for comments,Gundog i think the fans are quiet here is a vid on you tube
i have mine on half speed on the controler and they still quiet main fan i hear is from the gpu(5870) << standard settings i think its 21% hope the vid helps
Well latest update i have bought a Lian li ex 33r1 internal hd cage red to replace the kama bay

the fan has red led's which look good in the dark but the front grill looks a pinky red so im going to get something like medium candy apple and spray it :D i'll get rid of the lian li badge during spraying.I have also been getting a redacrylic sheet to make some blanking plates for the case might try and box in the power compartment with it.
Infernox i ran this bench yesterday at 4.2ghz temps seem okay i think

Test done with case side off would get a lot hotter if it was on i think(might mod the side panel one day)
well i best plod on i'll do an update when i have 1 thanks
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Hi thanks again little update ive put some red perpex in the back air vents

went and sprayed my ssd

here it is on the desk im going to somehow alter the hard drive door on the front to make it red maybe try some perpex in there

well i'll go and plan the next bit probs a blanking plate down near the power supplie i'll update laterz bye :)
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I really love this :)
I nearly thought it looked better without the hard drive cage,but that's only my opinion and I don't know much.
Nice build.

You need a bigger monitor dude :p

Seriously though mate, thats really ****** nice!
Im propperly jealous, red and black always a winner ;)
Yeah im not sure about the red cage myself i might get a black one ive taken the red led fan out and put a 120mm noctua fan in im getting better airflow now,i made a door for the front hardrives and a cover for the power supply area out of red perpex but they just didn't look right so ive binned that idea for now,yeah jeckulz the monitor looks small in the pic but its a 22" i probs need a 32" lol the way things are going i'll not be getting my watercooling untill about Xmass, well if out happens i'll post an update thanks
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