Red Dead Redemption 2

Enjoying online but the amount of crashes today have put me off sadly, usually happens when arriving in towns or at the end of bounty missions. Switched back to Vulcan from DX12 to see if that hopefully makes a difference.
Everyones talking about bugs and fixing this and that, but where are those talking about gameplay experiences?! :o

Still too busy trying to get the game to launch! :D :p

But on a more serious note, this thread pretty much sums up PC for me now and why I enjoy console far more, just install, hit play and be done with it, where as with PC, faff about with fixing problems (be it faffing with launchers, config files, drivers, bios or whatever) then if you can launch the game, spend about 5+ hours trying to get the best settings for performance...... :o

Saying that.... I'm still looking forward to playing this at 60+FPS with vignette, CA, motion blur and DOF disabled.
Still too busy trying to get the game to launch! :D :p

But on a more serious note, this thread pretty much sums up PC for me now and why I enjoy console far more, just install, hit play and be done with it, where as with PC, faff about with fixing problems (be it faffing with launchers, config files, drivers, bios or whatever) then if you can launch the game, spend about 5+ hours trying to get the best settings for performance...... :o

Saying that.... I'm still looking forward to playing this at 60+FPS with vignette, CA, motion blur and DOF disabled.

When you get a poor launch like this then sure. Although mine has ran perfectly.

The vast majority of games even on launch I’ve had no issues, where I’ve just “hit play” and it’s worked perfectly.

Consoles alright but it isn’t perfect either and they are not without issues as I’ve found out in the past.
Still too busy trying to get the game to launch! :D :p

But on a more serious note, this thread pretty much sums up PC for me now and why I enjoy console far more, just install, hit play and be done with it, where as with PC, faff about with fixing problems (be it faffing with launchers, config files, drivers, bios or whatever) then if you can launch the game, spend about 5+ hours trying to get the best settings for performance...... :o

Saying that.... I'm still looking forward to playing this at 60+FPS with vignette, CA, motion blur and DOF disabled.

I'd say for the vast majority of PC games my experience is the same as you have described for consoles. Obviously there have been issues with this release and some people have had problems, though fortunately I haven't myself. As for the bit about tweeking settings, that really depends on the individual, obviously you can but I usually just stick with the default settings, I've yet to mess with any graphics settings in this game. You also have to remember this forum largely consists of hardware enthusiasts, so the amount of people here who like to tweek things is probably higher than your average PC gamer.
Online I get dips below 60fps with GPU and CPU load less than 100%.

Even at 1080p scaled to 540p to test.

anything I can do to stop this?

It’s not using the SSD when it’s happening.

another crash to desktop after miles of travelling on the horse and well into a mission, so annoying I might have to wait until this is patched a few more times!!
It’s so strange how people with pretty much identical systems have such different experiences. I mean, my system isn’t greatly different to yours. Ryzen 3 CPU, GB X570 board, Nvidia card, but I haven't had one crash at all. Very strange.

Are you on bios
It’s so strange how people with pretty much identical systems have such different experiences. I mean, my system isn’t greatly different to yours. Ryzen 3 CPU, GB X570 board, Nvidia card, but I haven't had one crash at all. Very strange.

Are you on bios
Yes I am on the latest bios, I know, I have had quite a few CTD, but then it can work for quite a while without doing it, not sure what's causing it!
CTDs are starting to become more common for me, for some reason.... it's not even based on any particular mission either as it tends to happen during free roam. Losing 20-30 minutes at a time is annoying, you have to make sure you save every 5 minutes or so.
I wish you could save during missions, crashing is extra frustrating when you are in the middle of one and bang CTD. Someone on reddit mentioned not riding into Valentine from the south so I'm going to try that. Good shout on the ammo change, I couldn't see a key configurations for it in the menus. I also find it frustrating when the purchase menus 'lose focus' of the mouse, I want to see what something is so I click on it, and it's now sold:rolleyes:. I hate to say it but this has been a worse release for me than any ea game I've played, and I've bought the last 3 battlefields on launch day:p. Maybe it's just my turn as I very rarely get problems.
I wish you could save during missions, crashing is extra frustrating when you are in the middle of one and bang CTD. Someone on reddit mentioned not riding into Valentine from the south so I'm going to try that. Good shout on the ammo change, I couldn't see a key configurations for it in the menus. I also find it frustrating when the purchase menus 'lose focus' of the mouse, I want to see what something is so I click on it, and it's now sold:rolleyes:. I hate to say it but this has been a worse release for me than any ea game I've played, and I've bought the last 3 battlefields on launch day:p. Maybe it's just my turn as I very rarely get problems.

When using the menus use the cursor keys instead of the mouse. Not ideal but it works for now, at least that way you can see the info instead of click and its sold.
Everyones talking about bugs and fixing this and that, but where are those talking about gameplay experiences?! :o

Graphics settings are far more important apparently....

And we are told not to mention the gameplay in case of spoilers no matter how minor despite the fact that it appears most people have played this on console already.

Essentially, excellent environments, hunting is a glorious time sink, shootouts and predators can be lethal, and try to remember you are an outlaw.
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