Red Dead Redemption 2

Anyone else wondering why they need to pump so may sedative shots into anything to get it to go to sleep? Makes it really hard to sedate wolves and also means running out of ammo quick.
Great game, not perfect but there is nothing like this on the market. Deffo game of the year for me. I even completed RDR1 on Xbox 360 after this just for the story, still decent game after all these years but not as amazing as RDR2.
Anybody else suffering the ERR_GFX_STATE error?

I'm finding I can't actually play this at all as it crashes in the place every time!

None of the fixes online have worked so far.:(
Great game, not perfect but there is nothing like this on the market. Deffo game of the year for me. I even completed RDR1 on Xbox 360 after this just for the story, still decent game after all these years but not as amazing as RDR2.

Xbox 1 x had a 4k patch for rdr1, it looks quite nice.
Wondering how this new naturalist role works with the trader role. Are they going to conflict if I start doing trading and so Harriet will get annoyed and drug you? I don’t mind running through the role until I max it out and perhaps a few legendary animals after that for the cash (assuming it isn’t better to just trade it?). Otherwise I would want to stop the influence of that role on the game once I’m done
Wondering how this new naturalist role works with the trader role. Are they going to conflict if I start doing trading and so Harriet will get annoyed and drug you? I don’t mind running through the role until I max it out and perhaps a few legendary animals after that for the cash (assuming it isn’t better to just trade it?). Otherwise I would want to stop the influence of that role on the game once I’m done
I completed the naturalist role and then stopped working with Harriet. She hasn’t bothered to attack me. I expect if I go to her tent she probably will.
Online wise I'm coming up to completing the story missions.

Which role would people recommend first? Also horse wise not sure what to go with have a thoroughbred but he seems to get scared of his own shadow haha.
I wish they would bring RDR1 to PC. I want to play it. If I had a console I'd definitely buy it.

The peculiarity is that the Mexico side that featured in RD1 is actually still there in RD2 but has no people or animals. You can swim across the river and find the old fort from RD1 and travel all over the area and see huge deep canyons and cart tracks, you can see birds but no animals. Why is it there? were they intending to populate it at a later date?
The peculiarity is that the Mexico side that featured in RD1 is actually still there in RD2 but has no people or animals. You can swim across the river and find the old fort from RD1 and travel all over the area and see huge deep canyons and cart tracks, you can see birds but no animals. Why is it there? were they intending to populate it at a later date?

Fingers crossed
Online wise I'm coming up to completing the story missions.

Which role would people recommend first? Also horse wise not sure what to go with have a thoroughbred but he seems to get scared of his own shadow haha.
I’ve tended to mix up the roles so I can do a bit of what I feel like each time. For money the collector role is best. I find trader and moonshine more entertaining as you get to shoot a lot of things.

For the horse this is tricky as you need to be a high level to get the best horses. I have the Missouri Fox trotter and Arabian. Saddle and stirrups are also important. I use the Nagadoches and hooded stirrups. With the top horses you have infinite stamina and can go really fast.
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