Red Dead Redemption 2

Unfortunately I can't buy this because it costs far too much for a computer game.

Actually looking at the screenshots hmm

I'm not defending this particular game, but I'm curious, what do you think is a decent value for triple AAA games? It's been around the 50-60 price mark for years now.
Well so fare, no stuttering on my Vega 64/Ryzen 3600. HOWEVER, i found a bug, i don't know if it's posted yet, but if i hold down SHIFT while panning the mouse i get stuttering, very clear stuttering, the second i release the SHIFT key, stuttering goes away. Doesn't matter if i'm moving or standing still.

EDIT: Actually it's all the modifier keys it seems, CTRL, ALT, Caps lock.
Change mouse input from Raw to Direct...I had the same issue last night.
That helped with the issue so thanks for that

I have the same CPU and GPU as you and have also been suffering from stutters despite a solid 60fps.

Don't know if it helps or not but since i'm running 32gigs of ram in my machine i've enabled HBCC even though i'm only playing at 1080p. Vram read around 5500mb so you would think it's not being used. Outside of that i've forced Tessellation to be at 6x and i'm running my card on the latest 19.11.1 driver. The card is also undervolted and HBM slightly overclocked.
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This is going to make me sound very soft but does anyone else feel a bit **** when your horse gets injured? My horse was hurt and I didn't have the option to revive, only kill.

The noise it made when I stabbed him to death was horrible :(
After 3 days of no problems at all.

Suddenly Rockstar launcher no longer works? Game activation required? taking around 5-10 minutes to even connect to login services.
Oddly enough I got curious the other day and decided to look at inflation levels, what I found was that £55 (well, 53 technically) is the equivalent to £25 in 1990 once inflation is factored in. So even though I have moaned for several years about the increasing cost of PC games, it would seem that in terms of whats in my pocket its not really costing me more than I paid 30 years ago for games. Surprised me, I guess games havent really increased as much as I thought they had
Been playing loads of this. Had a hilarious moment the other day. Was doing a bounty mission and trying to sneak up on a camp all stealth like; only to trip and fall on a rock and fall straight down the ledge into the camp head first. I couldn't even continue and had to pause the game I was laughing so hard.

The game is so incredibly atmospheric!
I have this weird graphical glitch where in sunlight, some of the characters ears shine bright red lol!

That's not a glitch lol, skin is translucent in this game, so in direct sunlight it goes through the skin and illuminates the 'blood' within just like real ears would. Aka, similar to putting a torch under your fingertip to turn it red.
That's not a glitch lol, skin is translucent in this game, so in direct sunlight it goes through the skin and illuminates the 'blood' within just like real ears would. Aka, similar to putting a torch under your fingertip to turn it red.
It looks unnatural though. I mean, it’s not a red glow, but a solid red block of colour. Looks glitchy.
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