Red Dead Redemption *SPOILER THREAD*

17 Apr 2007
stat city


Just like in 2008 when GTA4 came out, we had a big official thread and a story/spoiler thread. Thought I'd be the first to start a spoiler thread for Red Dead. 27 minute Quick Look

When posting spoilers please state how far you are in the game.

I just got off the train, took out my knife.. started stabbing the air then everyone freaked out and some guys started shooting at me.

Just finished it.

Most fun I've had with a game this gen.

The parts when the music with lyrics starts playing are some of the most epic moments in any video game.

Kinda cool that you play John's son at the end.

completion stats
1 day 13 hr 7 min 52 sec
94% game complated
47% trophies unlocked
Last edited:
Is anyone else really disappointed with the Legend of the West outfit? I busted my ass getting to level 10 in all the ambient challenges, and it's basically the Deadly assassin outfit without the eye patch and a few bits and bobs changed. Cheap! :(

Its basically the duster outfit which I unlocked after a few hours playing the game. lol.
Yea i guess, but that was it. There was no emotional, why did you kill him or big long conversation I was expecting when confronting the man who killed your father. It was just bang. Dead. End. Was hoping for some speech or something, but nope, just a duel like any other duel in the game.

Was definitely a good game, just a random quest that ended the game. Would have been better if it ended with seeing John dead, then the credits, then the cut-scene where you become Jack and then a longer quest to find Edgar.

Jack already knows why they killed John. The law men told Jack all about his father and what he has done when Jack was kidnapped.

Jack just wanted revenge.
I am trying to get a Trophy where you have to break two different horses in (cant remember the name of the trophy) but because the horses don't have names how are you supposed to tell which is which?

Pretty easy trophy.... if you use a wiki like everyone else that trophy hunts. Don't be a fool and do it on your own. :D'_Awesome

Break the Kentucky Saddler, the American Standard bred, and the Hungarian Half-bred.
You will need a lasso, which you get from Bonnie in your sixth mission for her.The Locations are:

Kentucky Saddler is a Golden yellow Horse-- Is by Macfarlane's Ranch in New Austin

American Standerdbred is a all black horse--- Is located in Beecher's Hope in west Elizabeth

Hungarian Half Bred is a white horse with a dark face- is located between Escalera and Punta Orugullo in Mexico
BTW, the guy doesn't fly.. he plummits to his death!


I was actually kinda ****** off that he died because I spent far too long collecting his ****! I actually went down to loot his body in hope he gives me something worth while in return. All I got was snake oil, so I threw some knifes into his face. lol.

btw, is loot random? I noticed hunters usually have bait and gang members usually have money but I dunno.
Definitely not the ending that I expected. :( :( :(

*Runs off and cries*

I totally saw it coming. No way would he just live happily ever after. He has sinned too much and had to pay for his crimes.

I really thought playing as a grown up Jack was a nice touch. I was starting to worry the game would just end and you wouldn't be able to free roam.

Also, I started do some stranger missions that occur around 10 hours in and Jack voiced even those missions. Thats a really nice touch and shows how much went into the game.
I like Jack. Through the entire game playing as John I played a good guy and never broke the law once.. Now that I'm Jack, I am being a total *******! lol.
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