Red Dead Redemption Thread

really enjoying RDR about 60 percent completed so far struggling with the treasure maps at the moment.

Played some MP last night and spawns seemed pretty random I kept spawning and getting shot in the back about 5 seconds later, they have def improved on the GTA MP though.
I'm getting a little bored of it as well.

I really don't have the attention span I used to.

Add me to that list. Glad I didn't shell out for it now and only rented it! I've spent too much time in New Austin, racking up the hours doing all manner of things that I'm probably never going to get to Mexico or the other place. :( Need to get to Mexico today at least or something else will grab my attention...
I think work might have a few copies of this left. I may go pick it up and use my staff discount! :D

A friend of mine bought it yesterday and wants to built a posse lol. I did find the idea of the MP interesting so gonna give it a go.
I'm getting a little bored of it as well.

I really don't have the attention span I used to.

I'm starting to get this way too. Just isn't grabbing me as much as GTAIV did, although I'm not sure if i should keep making the comparison as they are clearly not the same game.

Think its just the baron landscape that annoys me more than anything. GTAIV had loads going on all the time since it was in New York, but whilst the landscape in this is great to look at, it is boring really. And I'm getting a bit tired of the amount of times people come up saying, "He stole my wagon". Every time I play it happens at least once (and i only play for an hour or so at a time).
I hate that element of it too. It happens far too much, I no longer bother with them.

They are not quiet as bad as the random phone calls you got from friends wanting to hang out in GTA 4 as from what I have seen so far they don't impact 'relationships' so you don't lose any bonuses.

Having said that the prisoner ones are fun, they literally take two seconds to load dead eye and bang bang, they are down.

I am hammering through the sotry though, I am about 35% of the way through after 9 hours play. What I intend to do once all areas are unlocked is go for the challanges that are available and skinning and trading animals etc, I don't see the point until all areas are unlocked.

I also want to get the achievement for traveling from one side of the map to the other.
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Yea I always ignored the phone calls in GTAIV after I got the achievement for 90% friendship with everyone. Although I'm pretty sure you could set your phone so that you never got disturbed by those phones calls. Not 100% on that, but i thought i read that somewhere.

Think I will just ignore the people asking for help now, doesn't affect your Fame/Honor much really. I've done about 45% at 14hours gametime, which is probably average.
Can someone tell if this is right.

Was playing freeroam multiplayer last night,when I checked to see how many other players there were there were none,surely this isn't right is it?
Riding a horse for a couple of minutes between locations is about as dull as it gets, especially, when there is nothing at all between locations.

For me, that takes too much away from the mission structure as I can't see me persevering with this game. For me, this is the same kind of issue that plagued far cry 2 as there was too much 'dull time' moving between locations and the tedium of this eventually stopped me playing it.

At least in GTA driving the car is fun and you don't get RSI from tapping 'a'
We went to rob the bank in free roam last night and it was empty. They need to have the game populated with npcs in freeroam just like the real game.
Riding a horse for a couple of minutes between locations is about as dull as it gets, especially, when there is nothing at all between locations.

For me, that takes too much away from the mission structure as I can't see me persevering with this game. For me, this is the same kind of issue that plagued far cry 2 as there was too much 'dull time' moving between locations and the tedium of this eventually stopped me playing it.

At least in GTA driving the car is fun and you don't get RSI from tapping 'a'

use your camp site...
The only thing that makes it dull at times is the riding from one location to the other for missions.

It's still far better than GTA IV. Much more to mess around with, the shooting doesn't feel like ass either.
Coming to the last stages of the game, and now it is become such a drag to do the missions they is nothing that really is ground breaking and sets the missions apart. Since really 30% it has been pretty much the same 'Ride to base' 'Save someone' 'Kill Everyone' then repeat. Also I don't think I have died once on any mission, its far too easy and that is with auto aim etc off.

The Cougars seem more of a challenge than the enemy AI.

Game is good though, just needs more variety & more of a challenge.
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