Server browser issues and a few minor bugs aside, so far so good really enjoying it. Feels and plays pretty much just like RO should, boltys are as great as ever, SMGs are brutal in good hands but no longer aiming for the sky after a small burst and from the little I used one, LMGs no longer are super deathrays when deployed. Not to keen on the radar thing but that is a server side toggle so not an issue and I have to say that rested SMGs may be a little to accurate at range but at least now they can hit the broad side of a barn from more than 5 meters away.
Cover system works well though it is a bit fiddly in places, but I'm getting more used to it. Took me a while to realise if you push towards the cover you can peak your head up quickly, much quicker than going into iron sights and looking that way.
Only annoying thing is the 'prone block' you get when trying to turn around near walls(similar to COD?). Understand why they do it, so your legs and feet dont clip through walls but would be nice if it maybe auto crouched you so you could turn if you pushed to far in a direction. Really annoying when an enemy just walks past you and as you turn to shoot you find yourself stuck.
Nice how they've added squads of which the biggest benefit is the new Squad leader class, not for the fact they get an SMG or semi auto but it means theres a few more people on the team with smoke grenades, which if you played RO1 at all, you'll know are really needed for some maps and how annoying it is when your commander doesn't use them. Didnt like going commander in RO1 as I wasn't the best with arty strikes but so far I've had great fun and success with the SL.
SLs also act as a spawn point for their squad while alive. Though its not like BF2 where they spawn on the guys back, they should spawn 'nearby' but always slightly away from the action. As an SL it seems to work okay though twice I did a quick 180 to then see someone spawn right in front of me and one of those times he ran out of a door 1m in front of him right as he spawned and got killed pretty much instantly, so not a perfect system. But on the other hand I've not experienced a time where I've noticed a bunch of enemies spawning in a room that only had one guy in it a second ago, so it seems pretty subtle from the enemies point of view.
Another nice feature is that when you do really well in one round, you may get offered a 'battlefield promotion' which means you get first pick of classes, so no longer are class picks just up to who has the fastest HD.
Not sure how exactly it works as I've gotten it while at the top of the scoreboard and other times 3/4 of the way up after a good round nor do I know if more than one person per side can get it so its not a complete solution but it should mean less times when you get a fail sniper/commander who have no idea what they are doing. So far though thanks to it, its provided the one time I got to try the marksman class (fun but not worth the hassle of trying to get when a normal bolty is just as good or better most of the time) while the few other times its meant I could keep my SL choice without the rush of choosing it.
Oh and first two kills was with the anti tank rifle vs infantry, damn that was a good first RO2 moment. BANG BANG