Red Orchestra (2) : Heroes of Stalingrad

Status Update September 9th for the RO 2 Beta

1) Double Clicking in the server browser

If you do this right now, you might end up in a server that you did not want. For now, single click on the server and select Join.

1.5) Server Browser not returning Servers

All the cases we have debugged on this so far have been the result of local security software and hardware (such as a router) blocking the packets for the server browser. Either do to overflow (settings on the server) or just an outright block on the packets/ports. Please check your user manuals and logs for these devices.

2) Punkbuster enabled servers are experiencing lag after a map change

We believe we know what is causing this and hope to get it fixed shortly

3) Crashing on launch

We've found that some peoples .ini files did not get properly updated when the game did, which is causing a crash on launch. To fix this please delete all the current .ini files. This includes Mydocs/MyGames/UnrealEngine/RoGame/Config, Mydocs/MyGames/RedOrchestra/RoGame/Config, and the default .ini's in the steamapps/common/redorchestra2beta/rogame/config.

After you have done that, verify your game cache in steam and relaunch the game.

4) For other crashes, Get us your .DMP files!

Find out more HERE!

5) Performance

We are working with our hardware partners to determine where we can improve performance and highlight issues found with specific sets of hardware.

We have also created a new command ingame.

Stat perfdump

If you type this in your console while you are having bad performance it will print out to your log information about your machine, and detailed information about what the game engine is doing. It will also let us know about background programs that might be interfering with the game.
Have around 6-8 people for tonights RO2 gaming so far, please give me a little idea if any of you other folk will attend as ventrilo is a little limited in terms of spaces, am currently trying to get multiplay to get it increased but they are not being too quick about it.

So a yes if you plan to attend would be good. Hank_marvin on steam.

What the hell? why pay 30quid, its 20quid from green man gaming with code posted in this thread like 5 times, I paid 16quid for standard edition
had some weird bugs lastn ight like at one point our team went from 120 re-spawns to zero !! lol

not one of our team managed a single respawn - funnily enough we lost that game - apparently its a known bug
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